[Ubuntu-SG] Some logo/artwork concepts

Ho Yi Hao Pipat yihao.ho at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 06:39:44 UTC 2010

YEAH! That look rather good! What do the rest think?

With Regards,
Yi Hao

yihao.ho at gmail.com
yihao at statick.sg

From: Chen Xiangpeng 
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:38 PM
To: Ho Yi Hao Pipat 
Cc: C David Rigby ; ubuntu-sg at lists.ubuntu.com 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-SG] Some logo/artwork concepts

Yi Hao:

Like this?


On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 14:36, Ho Yi Hao Pipat <yihao.ho at gmail.com> wrote:

  For T-shirt, I can get the supplier if you want

  With Regards,
  Yi Hao

  yihao.ho at gmail.com
  yihao at statick.sg

  From: C David Rigby 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:33 PM
  To: ubuntu-sg at lists.ubuntu.com 
  Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-SG] Some logo/artwork concepts

  On Tuesday 01,June,2010 02:14 PM, Chen Xiangpeng wrote: 
    Hi Guys,

    Here's some draft designs of the logo with updated title font. The actual font for the logo isn't out, so the ".sg" was modified from a similar looking font.
    This time round, I changed the "ubuntu-sg" to "ubuntu.sg" to coincide with our domain name. 

    This is a WIP, I think it'll be cool if you guys can give feedback and stuff on this to improve our visual identity. 

    Anyway, anyone interested in a polo-tee with our logo? I think we can make a few to pool funds for the upkeep of ubuntu.sg. I reckon a polo tee with the loco logo embroidered will look nice.

    Here are the samples:

    1. This is pretty much just the old logo with the wordings in the newer font.

    2. This is our logo in the style of the new "lightware" style of branding

    3. Finally, I made a mock up of the plymouth screen. I think an enterprising individual can make this a reality :)


  I love the logo w new font.

  I also like the idea of polos or Ts. How many people would be interested in doing this?



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