[Ubuntu-SG] Some logo/artwork concepts

C David Rigby c.david.rigby at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 06:33:31 UTC 2010

On Tuesday 01,June,2010 02:14 PM, Chen Xiangpeng wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Here's some draft designs of the logo with updated title font. The 
> actual font for the logo isn't out, so the ".sg" was modified from a 
> similar looking font.
> This time round, I changed the "ubuntu-sg" to "ubuntu.sg 
> <http://ubuntu.sg>" to coincide with our domain name.
> This is a WIP, I think it'll be cool if you guys can give feedback and 
> stuff on this to improve our visual identity.
> Anyway, anyone interested in a polo-tee with our logo? I think we can 
> make a few to pool funds for the upkeep of ubuntu.sg 
> <http://ubuntu.sg>. I reckon a polo tee with the loco logo embroidered 
> will look nice.
> Here are the samples:
> 1. This is pretty much just the old logo with the wordings in the 
> newer font.
> logo1.png
> 2. This is our logo in the style of the new "lightware" style of branding
> logo2.png
> 3. Finally, I made a mock up of the plymouth screen. I think an 
> enterprising individual can make this a reality :)
> plymouth.png
> Regards,
> XP
I love the logo w new font.

I also like the idea of polos or Ts. How many people would be interested 
in doing this?

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