[Ubuntu-SG] SFD - Update

Billy AM billy at ubuntu.sg
Tue Sep 15 00:57:30 UTC 2009

Oh and I just been told LinuxNUS will be doing Ubuntu Installfest on
Thursday , more details here


So if you happen to be free , I know its unlikely but I gotta announce it ,
pls support them. Thanks!


On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 5:32 AM, Muhammad Heidir
<dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg>wrote:

>  Hi Guys,
> Update for Software Freedom Day Singapore 2009, which is on this Saturday
> for Team Ubuntu Singapore.
> *Print Materials:*
> Handout Brochure and Guide Brochure - If there are no new design submission
> for Handout brochure and/or Guide Brochure, the previous design will be
> used. Dateline for submission: Tuesday, 15th September 2009, 2359 hrs.
> Guide Brochure | Preview Page 1<http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3207/2929472216_22cc24ee7a.jpg?v=0> Preview
> Page 2 <http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3239/2928611919_3298d961c6.jpg?v=0>|
> Source - Brochure-Guide.tar.gz<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SingaporeTeam/SFDS2008?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=Guide-Brochure>
> Handout Brochure | Preview<http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3188/2928612309_94dec38a78.jpg?v=0>| Source -
> Brochure-Handout.tar.gz<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SingaporeTeam/SFDS2008?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=Handout-Brochure>
> 250 copies for each brochure - A5 and A4.
> Poster - If there are no new design submission for poster, the previous
> design will be used. Dateline for submission: Tuesday, 15th September 2009,
> 2359 hrs.
> Preview: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30239298@N05/3899004494/
> 20 copies - A3
> Do you think we should have the membership form also? Or just a simple
> online one?
> All print materials will start printing on Wednesday, 16th September 2009.
> *Logistics:*
> I would like to have a confirmation from all members who wish to contribute
> logistical support for the event. Please reply to this mail with the word
> CONFIRMED beside the item that will be brought for the event.
> 1x 16 port switch - CONFIRMED
> 4x LAN Cables - CONFIRMED
> 3x Cable Lock - CONFIRMED
> 1x Asus EeePC 901 - CONFIRMED
> 1x XPS M1330 - CONFIRMED
> 1x Wireless Broadband - CONFIRMED
> 1x 6 port Socket Multiplexer - CONFIRMED
> Additional Items: Masking Tape, Cable Tie
> *Above items provided by Muhammad Heidir.*
> 1x 4 port + Wireless Router -
> 3x LAN Cables -
> 1x USB Keyboard
> 1x 22" LCD Monitor -
> 1x  Socket Multiplexer -
> 1x Ideapad 3000 Y410 -
> 1x Lenovo X301 -
> Additional Items not listed can be added.
> *Members Participating *(as of 15th September 2009)*:*
> - Muhammad Heidir
> - Billy
> - Nick HS
> - Ho Yi Hao
> - Francis Bond
> - Loong Jin
> *Others:*
> Please highlight to me if there are stuff which I missed.
> *Event Information:*
> http://sfds.foss-alliance.sg/PublicExhibits
> Event starts at 1000hrs, tentatively we should start setting up at 0900hrs.
> Meeting Point: NLB Atrium, TUSG location/booth
> Attire: Something Ubuntu-ish look!
> Follow this link to get the SFD poster (not designed by me)
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/30239298@N05/3921088476/. Please help to
> disseminate about this event to your family and friends!
>   --
> Best Regards,
> Muhammad Heidir
> Multiply:doksg | Yahoo!:dave33bravo
> --
> Ubuntu-SG mailing list
> Ubuntu-SG at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-sg
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