[Ubuntu-SG] Proposed Web Banner - v0.02

Muhammad Heidir dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg
Sun Sep 13 01:03:26 UTC 2009

Hi Billy,

I have not receive any email from the designer. Seems like it is impossible to use the copyrighted banner. Anyway, could you just update the website with the new banner? Before our site becomes even more stagnant,

And add in Software Freedom Day entryinto the web. Thank you.

 Best Regards,
Muhammad Heidir
Yahoo!: dave33bravo | Multiply: doksg

>From: Billy AM <billy at ubuntu.sg>
>To: Muhammad Heidir <dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg>
>Sent: Wednesday, 2 September 2009 9:15:57
>Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-SG] Proposed Web Banner - v0.02
>Yah. I suppose I shouldn't get too frustrated by it. Its expected here anyway. And did you managed to get the permission from the designer about the logo design?
>>On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 5:31 AM, Muhammad Heidir <dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg> wrote:
>People just wanna use the distro, but not be a part. That's ok right. Consider that we are the evangelists in preaching for Ubuntu. There maybe many users, but not many will do the preaching.
>>That is what you are going to expect in Singapore!
>> Best Regards,
>>>>Muhammad Heidir
>>Yahoo!: dave33bravo | Multiply: doksg
>>>From: Billy AM <billy at ubuntu.sg>
>>>To: Muhammad Heidir <dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg>
>>>Sent: Tuesday, 1 September 2009 9:35:34
>>>Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-SG] Proposed Web Banner - v0.02
>>>I myself aren't that good :P It won't be soon though. I just flunked my UOL exam and be staying for 2 more years..... sad case. I failed by 2 marks and 3 marks in two subjects. $($*(@@!&#@^!^%. Besides you , there is Chew , Rykel and ... actually thats all. Pretty sad isn't it? Ubuntu is the most popular distro by miles and thats all we got.
>>>On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Muhammad Heidir <dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg> wrote:
>>>If its a temporary post, then I wouldn't mind. I just worry, if I will be incompetent. I have no problem.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>Muhammad Heidir
>>>>Yahoo!: dave33bravo | Multiply: doksg
>>>>>>>>>>From: Billy AM <billy at ubuntu.sg>
>>>>>To: Muhammad Heidir <dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg>
>>>>>Sent: Tuesday, 1 September 2009 4:49:55
>>>>>Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-SG] Proposed Web Banner - v0.02
>>>>>the one with Linux looks good ... lets wait for him to reply then. Btw , what you think of my question about you becoming the main contact if I were to go overseas?
>>>>>On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 4:04 PM, Muhammad Heidir <dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg> wrote:
>>>>>There are 2 more other banner, but I can't post them, due to copyright restriction. I have asked the author and am waiting for his reply about incorporating his image.
>>>>>>The copyright image is the "linux" and ubuntu logo on the silver shade. Please take a look.
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>Muhammad Heidir
>>>>>>Yahoo!: dave33bravo | Multiply: doksg
>>>>>>>From: Billy AM <billy at ubuntu.sg>
>>>>>>>To: Muhammad Heidir <dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg>
>>>>>>>Sent: Tuesday, 1 September 2009 3:51:16
>>>>>>>Subject: Re:
>>>>>>> [Ubuntu-SG] Proposed Web Banner - v0.02
>>>>>>>Oh I know why. Its the font of ubuntu-sg and the lah part below. They all blend in with the background thats why it looks darker. Can the words be brighter? But too bright and it will look like a signboard from Geylang ... LOL
>>>>>>>On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Muhammad Heidir <dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg> wrote:
>>>>>>>>You want the left side to be lighter or darker?
>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>Muhammad Heidir
>>>>>>>>Yahoo!: dave33bravo | Multiply: doksg
>>>>>>>>>From: Billy AM <billy at ubuntu.sg>
>>>>>>>>>To: Muhammad Heidir <dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg>
>>>>>>>>>Sent: Tuesday, 1 September 2009 3:04:45
>>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-SG] Proposed Web Banner - v0.02
>>>>>>>>>Ah you made the background lighter. But don't you think the left side is still a shade darker?
>>>>>>>>>On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Muhammad Heidir <dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I have revised the web banner.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>As usual, all comments are welcome!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Muhammad Heidir
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yahoo!: dave33bravo | Multiply: doksg
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