[Ubuntu-SG] How to promote Ubuntu in

billy at ubuntu.sg billy at ubuntu.sg
Tue Nov 10 03:31:19 UTC 2009

Its not that there is no interest , its rather there is no time. We have had
plenty of meetings and proposals but we need people to commit to them on
consistent basis and that has been the major roadblock for nearly all of the
Open Source groups in Singapore. As for Ubuntu-sg not being active , it
depends on how you look at it. Linux groups have not been active since turn
of the century , if you been following LUGS over the years. On individual
level , there are definitely active members. To give you an example , I was
from NP LUGS exco team , then moved on to become LUGS exco and started
Ubuntu-sg and now FOSA exco member. Thats roughly the same for most members
of Ubuntu-sg. We belong to more than 1 group. So if you have ideas and would
like to propose them , pls do come down to FOSA/LUGS/Ubuntu-sg meetings ,
there will be a SLMG soon so you could come down there. Or email to the
respective mailing lists. Most of us are in all 3 of them.

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