[Ubuntu-SG] Let's have some discussion

suhaw koh kohsuhaw at gmail.com
Mon May 4 10:23:16 UTC 2009

Hi XP,
I confess Jaunty is indeed most impressive.  Got in running in both my
desktops and the netbook remix on my aspire one.  I can't precisely nail
down the cause but somehow Jaunty feels more slick and stable when compared
with Intrepid.

Imho, in terms of technical features we are getting very close to reaching
critical mass, or in modern parlance: tipping point.  But to ensure that it
really tips, we have to ensure that the other pieces are in place too.



2009/5/4 Chen Xiangpeng <xp at xp.sg>

> Hi all,
> Been awhile since I am active in the scene, I just remembered i owe Nick
> some artwork :P
> I read the article suhaw linked yesterday, I think we can spice up this
> user group a bit. I'll start a few topics for discussion/sharing:
> *1. How is Jaunty for you since launch day? If you are not on Jaunty, why
> not?*
> I took the plunge and converted my office workstation(A dell 8400 laptop)
> to jaunty a week back. And it's been a week since I touched windows. The
> performance of this version blew me away. Every single thing worked right
> off the bat. When I say everything I mean: Wifi, Bluetooth,
> Suspend/Hibernate and Twinview. As impressed as I was, I do believe that
> such compatibility is due to the fact that Ubuntu is preloaded on Dell
> laptops nowadays.
> *2. Anyone using Ubuntu server edition at work/school? *
> I am currently contemplating the deploying Ubuntu server edition on my dev
> server, probably running jboss on it as my dev team is working on java
> solutions. I am currently spearheading the movement to transit my company
> from a pure windows shop to a mixed-environment shop consisting of *nixs and
> windows. A recent virus attack (which I am probably the only who escaped)
> convinced my boss that having a homogenous server environment is the way to
> go.
> Cheers,
> XP
> --
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Koh Su Haw  许树浩
Tel : +65 6236 8194
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