[Ubuntu-SG] Ubuntu Global Jam

Nick HS nickhs at ubuntu.com
Sun Jun 28 03:42:37 UTC 2009

Hi all,

 From the 2nd-4th of October the Ubuntu Global Jam[1] (formally Ubuntu 
Global Bug Jam) will be held. The Ubuntu Global Jam is an opportunity 
for everyone to get together and do something Ubuntu-y with the rest of 
the world. We can hold a bug jam, doc jam, translation sprint, testing 
jam, install fest or a series of (lightning) talks (and of course any 
combination of the above, volunteers willing).

My question is do we as a LoCo want to participate in the Global Jam? 
(it looks great on our approval application), and if so where, and what 
should we be doing?

Jorge Castro (Ubuntu Community Manager) held a great talk in 
#ubuntu-classroom on how to run a jam[2], which is a great read. I'm 
most certaintly interested, anyone else?

Thanks Nick

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam
[2] http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/06/27/%23ubuntu-classroom.html starts 
at around 16:06

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