[Ubuntu-SG] Should we "Say No to Piracy"?

Chen Xiangpeng xp at xp.sg
Mon Jun 22 09:32:19 UTC 2009

Hi Suhaw,

It's true that the copyright is essential to enforce GPL. You might also
recall that the GPL exist because of the existence of copyright laws in the
first place :)
I am all for the enforcement of trademarks and such, but I think software
patent is a really bad idea. I am a firm supporter content/artistic

I am not sure if IPOS is pro-People in the first place given the
pro-business stance of the government :P


2009/6/22 suhaw koh <kohsuhaw at gmail.com>

> Hi XP,
> Please also recall that copyright is absolutely essential in allowing the
> enforcement of GPL and all other variants.
> Intellectual Property covers not just software patents, but also all other
> types of patents, copyrights, trademarks, service marks and even passing
> off.
> There are many things about Intellectual Property that we agree with and
> should be supportive of.  Imho, if we were to reject all IP just because of
> software patents, we risk being seen as supporting lawlessness.
> As for the current members of the HIP alliance, I see that as even more
> important that we should not cede that forum to them without at least
> voicing our stand.  Do recall that IPOS is a government agency, they should
> be pro-the People, not just corporate interests.  If we were to sit back and
> do nothing, can you blame IPOS if the likes of MS and EA were to dominate
> the agenda and discussion ?
> Cheers.
> suhaw
> 2009/6/22 Chen Xiangpeng <xp at xp.sg>
> Hi,
>> I am with Tom on this. The idea of intellectual property/software patent
>> rights go against the spirit of cooperation and sharing in the world of Free
>> or Open-source software. It's not a legality issue. It's an ideology issue.
>> Take a look at the members of the HIP alliance:
>> http://www.ipos.gov.sg/topNav/prg/gen/HIP+(Honour+Intellectual+Property)+Alliance.htm<http://www.ipos.gov.sg/topNav/prg/gen/HIP+%28Honour+Intellectual+Property%29+Alliance.htm>
>> You see names like Microsoft(nuff said) and Electronic Arts(Biggest users
>> of Securom DRM anyone?).
>> It's a bad idea to join the alliance in my opinion. Just my 2 cents.
>> Regards,
>> XP
>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 16:37, Muhammad Heidir <dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg>wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2009-06-22 at 16:11 +0800, suhaw koh wrote:
>>> > Hi Tom,
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > A quick response to your point about multi-region DVD players:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > The Digital Life article by Alfred Siew you quoted was published in
>>> > 2004, prior to the amendment of the laws.  Check out this FAQ from
>>> > IPOS website:
>>> > http://www.ipos.gov.sg/topNav/leg/pub/pas/FAQ+for+USSFTA
>>> > +Consultation.htm
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > What if a person purchased and used a multi-coded player for films
>>> > e.g. DVD player? Would that also be considered an act of
>>> > circumvention?
>>> > No. There is also an express provision in Section 261C(10) allowing
>>> > for import or sale of devices whose sole purpose is to control market
>>> > segmentation for access to films e.g. multi-coded DVD player.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > As for the more recent Nov 2008 DL article about Sim Lim raids that
>>> > Chew quoted, they are specifically about modifying devices to
>>> > circumvent access control measures, ie modifying the Wii machines to
>>> > play pirated software.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Cheers.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > suhaw
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > 2009/6/22 chewearn <chew4097 at gmail.com>
>>> >         Caveat: IANAL.
>>> >
>>> >         Check out this article:
>>> >
>>> http://www.asiaone.com/Digital/News/Story/A1Story20081117-101233.html
>>> >
>>> >         Especially the last paragraph, quote:
>>> >         "It is illegal under the Copyright Act to
>>> >         'circumvent...technological access control measures'. Those
>>> >         convicted face up to $20,000 in fines or up to two years'
>>> >         jail, or both."
>>> >
>>> >         I leave it to you to make the appropriate conclusion.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >         Regards
>>> >         Chew
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >         2009/6/22 Tom Goh <tomgohj at gmail.com>
>>> >
>>> >                 Just did a search and I may be wrong about fair use in
>>> >                 singapore.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> http://computertimes.asiaone.com.sg/columns/story/0,5104,2804,00.html
>>> >
>>> >                 The Free Trade Agreement with the United States
>>> >                 obliges Singapore to
>>> >                 tighten up copyright laws by this year. Singapore's
>>> >                 stand, fortunately,
>>> >                 is an enlightened one.
>>> >
>>> >                 An important clause in the proposed changes states
>>> >                 that it is not
>>> >                 illegal to disable technology used for 'market
>>> >                 segmentation'. It ensures
>>> >                 that multi-region DVD players are okay to use here.
>>> >
>>> >                 It does not specifically state anything about
>>> >                 Singapore and decss.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >                 suhaw koh wrote:
>>> >                 > Hi All,
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > Seeking your thoughts/inputs/advice on the following
>>> >                 idea.
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > Further to the Schools project idea.
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > Since a key tenet of this project is to reinforce
>>> >                 the students'
>>> >                 > awareness and respect for IP rights, I was thinking
>>> >                 of enlisting the
>>> >                 > assistance of IPOS.
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > At there website, I came across the HIP (Honour
>>> >                 Intellectual Property)
>>> >                 > Alliance at this url:
>>> >                 >    http://www.ipos.gov.sg/topNav/prg/gen/HIP+(Honour<http://www.ipos.gov.sg/topNav/prg/gen/HIP+%28Honour>
>>> >                 +Intellectual+Property)+Alliance.htm
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > It describes the Alliance thus:
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > "HIP Alliance Members
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > The HIP Alliance members include organisations
>>> >                 involved in creative arts
>>> >                 > and the creative industries, international
>>> >                 organisations, industry
>>> >                 > bodies and private sector players that believe in
>>> >                 Singapore's message to
>>> >                 > Say No to Piracy."
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > I was just wondering if TUSG should sign up to be a
>>> >                 member of the
>>> >                 > alliance ?  I know it is not quite what was
>>> >                 envisaged, but I believe
>>> >                 > TUSG should be a strong supporter of "Singapore's
>>> >                 message to Say No to
>>> >                 > Piracy".
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > What do you think ?
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > suhaw
>>> >                 > --
>>> >                 > ________________________
>>> >                 > Koh Su Haw  许树浩
>>> >                 > http://suhaw.teresaville.org/
>>> >                 >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >                 --
>>> >                 Ubuntu-SG mailing list
>>> >                 Ubuntu-SG at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> >                 https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-sg
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > ________________________
>>> > Koh Su Haw  许树浩
>>> > http://suhaw.teresaville.org/
>>> > Tel : +65 6236 8194
>>> Hi,
>>> Correct me if I'm wrong. But this is what they meant:
>>> 1) As long as the media is purchased legally, then having a multi-coded
>>> DVD player is fine. May I conclude that, if you bought the DVD legally,
>>> and decide to rip it and save it as a backup, then it is ok. But if you
>>> share, sell or distribute then it is not ok.
>>> 2) Then if you build, sell or distribute systems that enable illegally
>>> obtained/pirated media to run, then it is considered an act of
>>> circumvention.
>>> Does these affect us joining the alliance then?
>>> Canonical/Ubuntu does not do those stuff. In anyway, there are totally
>>> Open Source solutions which are legal. I don't see any issue in having
>>> us a part of this alliance but more to adding credibility.
>>> Your views?
>>> --
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Muhammad Heidir
>>> Multiply:doksg | Yahoo!:dave33bravo
>>> --
>>> Ubuntu-SG mailing list
>>> Ubuntu-SG at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-sg
> --
> ________________________
> Koh Su Haw  许树浩
> http://suhaw.teresaville.org/
> Tel : +65 6236 8194
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