[Ubuntu-SG] Does anybody have any experience with Linux Mint ?

Chen Xiangpeng xp at xp.sg
Sat Jun 20 08:37:53 UTC 2009

I personally think that Linux distros that attempt to emulate the
windows interface might  give users false expectations to which how
the system is expected to behave. When the system which looks like
windows can't perform the tasks that people expect windows to do,
users will be frustrated.

I would prefer users to learn a new interface from scratch. It will
probably not generate expectations or misconceptions given the fact
that they are starting from scratch.

My two cents :-)

On Friday, June 19, 2009, suhaw koh <kohsuhaw at gmail.com> wrote:
> http://windows2linux.tech-no-media.com/2009/06/what-is-best-linux-distribution-for.html
> "For the title of easiest Linux distribution for a beginner I would suggest Linux Mint.
> Linux
> Mint is actually based on Ubuntu Linux, but simplified for users coming
> from Windows. The user interface has been tweaked to look and behave
> more like Windows."
> I am wondering if the Schools project should be on Linux Mint instead of Ubuntu or Edubuntu.
> Comments please.
> Thanks.
> suhaw
> --
> ________________________
> Koh Su Haw  许树浩
> http://suhaw.teresaville.org/
> Tel : +65 6236 8194

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