[Ubuntu-SG] Part time freelance Ubuntu PC administrator support

Anand Vaidya anandvaidya.ml at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 02:53:17 UTC 2009

On Monday 16 February 2009 14:39:45 Muhammad Heidir wrote:
> Hi,
> I will be posting your request in the mailing list. You can subscribe it
> here https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-sg
> Hopefully someone will be able to provide freelance support.

Hi Guys,

I run a Linux consulting firm.  Probably only David (on this list) knows that 

I am planning to reply to the person from AKL directly and offer for-fee 
services. Which means the company gets the assurance that the problem will be 
fixed, and fixed within a certain time.  

Are you guys OK with that?

I have my co. listed on the Canonical (Ubuntu) Marketplace as a first step. 


> Thank you.
>  Best Regards,
> Muhammad Heidir
> Yahoo!: dave33bravo | Multiply: doksg
> ________________________________
> From: AKLHQ <sales at akl-it.com>
> To: sales at akl-it.com
> Sent: Monday, 16 February 2009 9:13:09
> Subject: Part time freelance Ubuntu PC administrator support
> Hi Ubuntu Team,
> Sometimes, we experience some difficulties in our operations with our
> Ubuntu PC. We need part time  freelance support during office hours for 5
> desktop Dell P4 GX260 PCs with dual boot, ubuntu/ Win XPpro, 4 Fujitsu P3
> PCs and 2 notebooks with Ubuntu/ Win2K.
> Examples of some problems:
> 1] Read-only files in trash cannot be deleted
> 2] Cloned hard disk cannot boot up
> We are weak in Linux and would need some support to solve our occasional
> Ubuntu problems. We hope someone could help us or recommend someone to us.
> Any help would be appreciated. We can pay for transport and compensate for
> your time taken, about 1 day each month. Hope to receive a positive reply.
> Thanks.
> Yours Sincerely,
> Colin Ang Tel: 6891 6266
> Woodlands Industrial Park E1
>       Start chatting with friends on the all-new Yahoo! Pingbox today! It's
> easy to create your personal chat space on your blogs.
> http://sg.messenger.yahoo.com/pingbox

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