[Ubuntu-SG] [Slugnet] Getting a Windows Refund from HP Singapore

Mohit Sindhwani mohits at onghu.com
Sat Aug 29 17:37:36 UTC 2009

Anton wrote:
> That sounds like a brain washed opinion to me. That's Ok, M$ is
> well-known for a good "marketing". But just forget about OEM and any
> other internal vendor's relationship for a moment.  If something coast
> _you_ a 150 but the "refund" is 1, would you still call it "the right
> number"? There is no reason to "refund" it!
> I think "conspiracy and mass robbery" are a better words here.

The somethings are different, aren't they?  An OEM license is bundled 
with the hardware you buy it with... you technically don't have the 
rights to install it on any other generic hardware.  Rights differ - 
prices differ.  Even in Sim Lim, an OEM license costs you less than a 
retail license.

8/30/2009 | 1:37 AM.

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