[Ubuntu-SG] Fwd: [Committee] LUGS AGM - 26th Aug 2009

Billy AM billy at ubuntu.sg
Wed Aug 12 10:41:57 UTC 2009


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Roy Ong <lugs at royong.com>
Date: Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 12:01 PM
Subject: [Committee] LUGS AGM - 26th Aug 2009
To: slugnet <slugnet at lugs.org.sg>, LUGS Committee <committee at lugs.org.sg>

Notice of Annual General Meeting

In relation to Article 18 of the constitution of LINUX USERS GROUP
(SINGAPORE), notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of
LINUX USERS GROUP (SINGAPORE) will be held at Singapore Management
University, School of Information Systems, SIS Seminar Rm 2-2 (Rm 2012)
on Wednesday, 26th August 2009 at 7.00pm to transact the following

01. To ratify the delay in the conduct of the AGM

02. To consider the latest Statements of Accounts

03. To consider the report of the current ExCo

04. To elect office bearers to the Linux Users Group (Singapore) and to
   hold office till the conclusion of the next AGM
       (a) President
       (b) Vice-President
       (c) Secretary
       (d) Asst Secretary
       (e) Treasurer
       (f) Asst Treasurer
       (g) 2 x Hon Auditors

05. Any other business, notice of which must be given to the ExCO via
   an email submission to committee at lugs.org.sg with the subject "LUGS
   AGM" at least one week in advance of the AGM

Annual General Meeting - Additional Information

- AGM is open with free access to all. You don't have to be a member of
the Linux Users Group (Singapore) to attend. Anyone with an interest can
attend, view, and participate in the discussions.

- However, only current members of the Linux Users Group (Singapore) are
eligible to vote and be nominated as office bearers.

- At least 30 current members, or a quarter of the membership, whichever
is less, is required for a quorum.  In case a quorum is not achieved,
the meeting shall be adjourned for 30 minutes, and the current members
present at that time shall constitute a quorum.

- Since the expiry of the latest member on record in Oct 2007, any
person who wish to join the Linux Users Group (Singapore) as a current
member, can do so at the door, from 6.30pm to 6.55pm, after submitting
the attached application form and payment due in cheque or cash. An
official membership number will be issued before one can proceed to vote
or be nominated as an office bearer in the AGM.

- Linux Users Group (Singapore) Membership Application form is attached

- Constitution of Linux Users Group (Singapore) is attached

- Singapore Linux MeetUp Group (SLMG) has graciously offered to co-host
the LUGS AGM as an SLMG event. You can also access the following URL to
RSVP http://www.meetup.com/sg-linux/

- Please feel free to disseminate this notice as long as it is kept in
its entirety.

Thank you.

Committee mailing list
Committee at lugs.org.sg
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