[Ubuntu-SG] ATTN: Software Freedom Day Singapore Update

Muhammad Heidir Abd M dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg
Thu Sep 18 10:39:54 UTC 2008

Hi All,

Sent by SFD Organiser,

This email provides the latest updates to the Exhibitor and Presenter 
Facilities letter that was sent 9 September 2008 for Software Freedom 
Day Singapore 2008. First, some questions specifically for your team. 
This is followed by a list of the changes since the previous version of 
the letter was sent.

Here are some links of interest in the web site.

Home page: http://softwarefreedomday.sg/

Exhibits detail page: http://softwarefreedomday.sg/Exhibits

Presentations detail page: http://softwarefreedomday.sg/Presentations

These pages have the most updated information, and take precedence over 
the attached document. The Exhbition Hall booth assignments have been 
revised, so please review them.

Your booth assignments are: B8 & B9

We have determined that there will be sufficient space in the exhibit 
hall to allow the use of projectors at the exhibits. Keep in mind that 
the room is very bright since most of the walls are glass. You will need 
to provide your own projector screens.

We have acquired some wireless networking accounts from SMU. Allocation 
is one per booth, and one per presenter. The account user names and 
passwords will be distributed when you arrive at the event.

We have had some requests for parking information. Parking is available 
at the Plaza by the Park building across Stamford Rd from the School of 
Information Systems. We trying to arrange for free or reduced rate 
parking in the SMU facilities, but we have yet to succeed. Details:


Exhibitors and Presenters may enter the building starting at 08:00 at 
the visitors entrance. This entrance is on the Bencoolen St side of the 
building (north west side) and there is a drop off bay for cars and 
taxis. Someone from the SFDS08 staff will be there to meet you. The 
doors open to the public at 10:00 Saturday, 20 September. The event ends 
at 5:00 PM.

An informal reception is planned in the Exhibition Hall after the event 

End of Email from Organiser.

NOTE: I would like to highlight that any information or queries regarding our participation in Software Freedom Day Singapore 2008 will handled by me. I will be acting liaison between SLMG/LUGS and TUSG. This is to avoid any miscommunication and conflicts.

Ruiboon:  I have added your name into the list of members so that you may come at 0800hrs. (I will update you on this once I have confirmation)

Thank you.


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