[Ubuntu-SG] Ubuntu Site

Maung Myat Thu @ Billy Aung Myint billy at ubuntu.sg
Wed Sep 3 02:06:25 UTC 2008

XP , 

JFusion sounds good but it so happen that php safe mode must be off in
order to work properly. I think thats the joomla 1.5 problem , I keep
getting the error "Warning: failed to move file" whenever I install a
new componenet. I didn't get it on 1.0.15. Any idea?

Oh yes , just an update to the contributions. We now have 3
contributors ,

1) Heidir  
2) Billy
3) A personal contribution from www.p2paccounts.com 

All at $100 each. Heidir estimates 300-400 so to be absolutely safe , we
are still waiting for contributions.

I am still waiting if LUGS will call for meetings so I might not be able
to come on 19th. Good luck with the talk Heidir!! :P

As for meeting , I be ok with both days but would prefer Friday. Vivo
will be fine , but it could be crowded on Friday. 


On Mon, 2008-09-01 at 19:51 +0800, Chen Xiangpeng wrote:
> Hi,
> IIRC, i used JFusion.
> http://extensions.joomla.org/component/option,com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,3723/Itemid,35/
> XP

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