[Ubuntu-SG] Speaker Request for NUS SFD, 19 Sept 2008 @ NUS

John Thng johnthng83 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 2 07:57:24 UTC 2008

Btw, is anyone willing to give talk for NTU OSS on Sept 17?

I don't think there is any up to now ...

No harm just asking around.

I will notify if there is.

Btw, in the slides there is mentioned of Firefox 3 Beta 5, as Firefox 3 has
been released, I don't think it's good to mention Beta 5 as it will seem

And will there be any mention about Kubuntu with latest KDE? or also Compiz


On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 3:32 PM, C David Rigby <c.david.rigby at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello Chew,
> I sort of serving as a go between here for Dang Thanh Son, the person from
> NUS who first contacted me via the softwarefreedomday.sg site seeking a
> speaker. Perhaps it is time we bring him into the loop, as it seems your
> questions about the audience are best directed to him. He is not on the TUSG
> mailing list, last I looked. He can be reached at:
> Thanh [dot] Dang [at] sun [dot] com
> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 3:16 PM, Chew EK <chew4097 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> hi
>> I can help with the presentation, including being the speaker if no one
>> else is available, though you would have to excuse my Singlish accent, lol.
>> But I have these questions:
>> What type of audience is expected to attend?  It is normal NUS students?
>> What level of Linux or Ubuntu awareness in the audience?
>> The specific audience will determine the presentation topic:
>> Whether it's about introduction to Ubuntu, about Ubuntu background
>> philosophy, who, when, why it was started, etc.
>> Or a more practical intro to the desktop, like in Heidir presentation
>> Or Wubi and Wine approach.  Why switch from Windows to Ubuntu.
>> Heidir's presentation will make a good starting point, but for talking to
>> an audience, I think it would be too dry and people would fall asleep after
>> 10 minutes, especially for an afternoon presentation (no offense).  You need
>> some funny slides, or jokes, some story telling added here and there.
>> regards
>> Chew
>> --
>> Gmail/Googletalk: chew4097 at gmail.com
>> MSN: chewek at hotmail.com
>> --
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