[Ubuntu-SG] Ubuntu SG logo

Chen Xiangpeng xp at xp.sg
Mon Sep 1 01:02:53 UTC 2008


Here's my final design in PNG format, in case u guys are looking for it. I
post it up on ubuntu.sg once the design is ok-ed and we settle on the
licensing issue.


Anyway, I suggest that we avoid posting our drafts on the front page of
ubuntu.sg. I think the mailing list/wiki/forums is good enough for
discussions on our work in progress, and only the final version should be
posted up on ubuntu.sg. My rationale for this is that ubuntu.sg is more of a
public site where people come for information on the loco team and we might
do better by avoiding cluttering the site with posts which are more of loco
team work discussion nature.


On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 5:40 AM, Muhammad Heidir <dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg>wrote:

>  Hi,
> The brochures and posters that I got for the team are all licensed under
> Creative Commons. They are obtained from Ubuntu-UK, Ubuntu-ID and Hannes
> Pasqualini <http://www.gasteropodica.net>
> In the case of our logo, it is better if we restrict it. Since it is about
> our trademark and organization identity, we should protect it. I'm not sure
> about legal stuff, in my opinion, its use is not restricted, but any
> modification is not allowed.
> And to add to this point, if the logo is finalised and given thumbs up by
> our community, we should verify any issues with Ubuntu(Canonical). Either
> Billy or Chew will submit to them for processing.
> These are my personal opinions. What do the rest of the community think?
> Regards,
> Heidir
> On Sun, 2008-08-31 at 23:08 +0800, Chen Xiangpeng wrote:
> Hi,
> I am about to release the logo's SVG out into the wild, but before I do it,
> I need to know what license we(the loco team members) gonna release it in.
> Are we gonna release it under CC?
> The logo is more or less finalised, with a png of it uploaded here:
> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sg-team<https://launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-sg-team>
> If you are bored, you can read the story of the design process here:
> http://xp.sg/2008/08/30/designing-ubuntu-singapores-logo/
> XP
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