[Ubuntu-SG] Hi all ubuntu fans

Maung Myat Thu @ Billy Aung Myint billy at ubuntu.sg
Sun Jun 15 03:17:32 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-06-14 at 02:47 +0800, John Thng wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 11:12 PM, Rui Boon <ruiboon at gmail.com> wrote:
>         -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
>         Hash: SHA1
>         Rykel™ (Aen™) wrote:
>         | Or they can employ us on a exhibition-basis instead of their
>         salesmen!  : )
>         |
>         | I second the "The Idiot's Guide To Selling Ubuntu Laptops"
>         idea.
>         |
>         I have spoke to #ubuntu-marketing, and  said that it is a
>         great project. I have also submitted it to brainstorm [0],
>         currently with 19 votes.
>         Shall we adopt this as a loco project?
>         Materials are readily available online. [1] Seems to be a good
>         template, that we can work on.
>         [0] http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/9831/
>         [1]
>         https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKMarketing/Leaflets?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=leaflet_hadenough_beta.pdf
>         Cheers
>         Rui Boon
>         -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
>         Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
>         iD8DBQFIUo5vzjrqiOSXNeMRAqYUAJ9E2pQcP8uAbHHA8r45e
>         +aACm3G2gCglYzx
>         HzXoMibY3l6dEDn+JoIoaio=
>         =bQ/T
>         -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> Ya, another thing is that the leaflets don't even put Ubuntu even if
> they say Linux.
> Yes, it comes with Linux, but never state as "Ubuntu Linux", this is
> the case of Acer Computers bacvk when I saw in Sim Lim Square, in
> which they mentioned "Linux" generally instead of "Linpus Linux", I
> think I heard some even say linux is like ms-dos or what. Other than
> salesman, those doing marketing and design leaflets, should be
> educated also. If anyone try ask any of the sellers linux, I think
> they will know nuts about it.
> I think to sell more, the laptops/umpcs nowadays should be cheap and
> good. They only promote the cheapness but not the goodness.
> It is good to see if we can get the guide concise, it'll be good.
> I know for consumers, they want to get things up pretty fast and do
> not want to go from beginning of maze to the end.

Because to them , a computer is a tool to make something , nothing

> My slogan currently: do less, produce more :)
> Some tutorials online to start off with is pretty intensive,
> especially for getting all the codecs and also sun java plugin to
> work.

Thats one of the main problem with Windows users jumping to Linux , look
at what was said "I know for consumers, they want to get things up
pretty fast and do not want to go from beginning of maze to the end."

But trying a new tool mean there will be some changes and there will be
some new things to learn. Remember , people complaint about driving test
cars using manuals while most cars come with auto??? These are the kind
of people we are dealing here.

> Possible to have an accompanying quick start guide to be distributed
> for every laptop with ubuntu sold? If there's a GUI to the guide
> posted in forums, it'll be good. Or else, people might buy linux
> laptop because of the cost, and then without really using it, remove
> it away.

That is unlikely to happen ... teaching people Ubuntu will makes people
get confused with Linux and Ubuntu.. remember , these are the people who
doesn't know windows , they just know where is start button. 

> I know ubuntu cannot put proprietary codecs or proprietary java in,
> but it's greatly used here, and we should bridge it ...??? Ubuntu will
> be better in release schedule and also better in support frame than
> those like Linux Mint globally.
> Another example, msn with web cam? Since many have msn locally, and
> some even use web cam. How do they know amsn can? I don't think the
> answer pop straight out suddenly if they never heard of it. A local
> Singapore context of quick start guide might be needed to cater the
> mass. And perhaps Skype too ...
> One of the problem people face, is that, they do not know where to
> find help. Where is the best place, and some do not know how to search
> well.

We can't help there , blame education system for teaching facts not
teaching how to learn. 

> For drivers I can omit, since the laptops comes with ubuntu
> pre-installed, the drivers issues should have settled.

still got printer drivers..

> Btw, side questions, where can I get powered by ubuntu stickers now?
> And also is the NUS mirror back to normal already? Because I get a bit
> upset, when I get high speed download, but it break connection
> frequently last time ... If yes, we should advise users to change ...

Its been up for a long time now... btw when you get slow download ,
check the link , it may be not from NUS ... I usually get slow updates
from security.ubuntu.com not NUS mirror. NUS mirror is usually blazing.

> And another question, do we need to refresh and revive the site?
> It's a bit outdated atm and dapper I don't use dapper before.
> I recommend the 
> Hello and welcome to Ubuntu.sg 
> to be put in the heading news before first news always.
> On the wiki, I'm trying to see the group in singapore and i visited
> irc, there's no one there.
> #ubuntu-sg

yah ... its been empty since it was registered :P

> And is it time to update to irc.ubuntu.com? The pidgin in ubuntu has
> defaulted to irc.ubuntu.com , although it's still freenode, but it
> would be more appropriate and easier.
> Since nowadays people are lazy or dunno irc, maybe a simple guide for
> joining irc in pidgin :)
> Last question, I'm not sure if ubuntu stuff will be present in this
> year's Software Freedom Day.

It will be ... worse come to worse , I will wear Ubuntu t-shirt...
anyone know where can I get my hand on one of them?

> Sorry a bit long the email, and I don't know if some of the points
> have been repeated or not, if so, sorry, and thanks for reading.
> Regards
> John

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