[Ubuntu-SG] ubuntu.sg contains spam posts

Rui Boon ruiboon at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 16:09:54 UTC 2008

Maung Myat Thu @ Billy Aung Myint wrote:
>> As an interest, could the mailing list administrator gives us a number 
>> of those who have subscribed to this list?
> 51 members total :P 
> regards
> billy

Wow. 51 members. Seems like we have a long road ahead. But let's us not 
be deterred by this number.

To the man-in-the-street, he has a higher chance of knowing Ubuntu than 
LUGS. There has been some articles regarding ubuntu in Digital Life some 
time ago. (Wonder why there issnt now).

We just have to capitalise on the popularity of ubuntu to the common man.

In addition to the ideas listed in the previous post, we can also start 
by conducting introduction courses at the grassroots level. (CCs or RCs...)


Rui Boon

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