[Ubuntu-SG] update on the fairs and events for schools

Maung Myat Thu @ Billy Aung Myint billy at ubuntu.sg
Mon Apr 30 23:42:47 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 01 May 2007 01:41, Harris Ngan wrote:
> Hi,    Great news for all. Why don't we start posting on our website to
> attract attention. There is such an event and seeking volunteers (I guess
> we just have to confirm the date n time). Too bad that I can't attend but I
> will give whatsoever support that I can provide. Several things I was
> thinking of.

> 1) Why don't we join forces with the NUS Linux group? In that 
> case, we create a greater presence as one and we can also ensure that we
> still go on with the event in the worst case that we have not enough
> manpower for just Ubuntu.

We will. I doubt we can be at the booth the whole day so at certain point of 
times , they will help to help us.

> 2) I think we can start getting a poster/flyer. 
> Maybe XP can give more ideas in this :P my thought is that the poster can
> eventually become a very nice wall paper/screensaver that I will not might
> sticking to but of course that's just my suggestion.
> 3) Billy, I think we 
> also need to check on the venue. Some venues attract alot of people and I
> think we can always request more CD/DVD than needed for the event as we can
> always give out the stock via our website. Matriculation fair usually
> attract the general cohort (meaning from all faculty) so it can be really a
> large crowd over possibly a couple of days.

I will check on the venue. I might as well add the NUS contact person to the 
list but I think they are having exams so won't be free till june I think.

> 4) Printing: I can't remember 
> but I think a $100 should be enough to print quite a number. I remember I
> printed mine last time at queensway (years back) but now I m really out.

Queensway then. As soon as we get the designs. 

> 5) > Funding: How do we go about getting the necessary budget? Donation?

We probably have to meet in person and ask for some cash. Total cost roughly 
is about $200 so about 20/person from 10 people should do the trick. More 
people the better of course :P

> 6) What 
> matriculation fair usually will be is that there are stores selling cheap
> clothes, CD, books, etc. Do we find some sponsors to provide some computer
> accessories to give out or sell at dirt cheap price? I m thinking that if
> we can sell something as well, we might be able to cover part of our budget
> with the profit.

Those kinds of sponsorships are not that easy. We are not a registered 
organisation like LUGS after all. Sop that idea would have to be shelved till 
we get bigger. Of course we can always try :P

> 7) Hehe. Not to forget the penguin. I think it will attract 
> the crowd and hmm getting alot of photo shots. Possible get someone to use
> GIMP to edit these photos and sell them as in a photo printing service 
> that use LINUX softwares.

That was a volunteer who was tall , about 1.9 and well weighty. The suit is 
super hot and heavy. He looked like he just came out of the swimming pool 
when he took off the penguin suit after 4 hours or so.. I was surprised he 
didn't faint. So yah that suit is dangerous.

> 8) Make sure if there is a demo machine. Make sure 
> you show the people that you can basically use any network services
> provided in NUS, e.g. wireless, shared folder, etc. I can't really know
> what services they have now but I think the NUS linux group will probably
> know.Just some of the many ideas.

There should be at least one laptop. We will just have to ask NUS team for 
one. Of course they get the T-shirts and CDs for that. Thanks for the ideas 
Harris. You been a great help. Thanks!


> Event confirmation, manpower & 
> budget.CheersHarris> From: billy at ubuntu.sg> To: ubuntu-sg at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 11:30:14 +0800> Subject: [Ubuntu-SG] update on the
> fairs and events for schools> > Hi Guys ,> >                 I just got the
> reply from the contact person for the NUS inux > Group. Basically they will
> have a booth for matriculation fair in early > August. They are still
> working out the date and time. The rental fee is SG$5 > + $50 refundable
> deposit. Surely we should have no problem with that kind of > fee do we?
> :P> >                Here are the problems , we need man-power. Since we
> don't know > the exact date and time , it will be hard to say but we should
> keep that in > mind. Secondly , we need to print some promotional pamphlets
> about the team > and that should have some nice designs and artworks. Of
> course , we should > print that as well so that means about $100+ for that
> ? Does anyone print > those before ? Any estimates ??> >               
> Clearly , we got to make a special order from canonical for the > CDs ,
> about 500 i386 + 200 64bit , enough right ?? We got to at least confirm >
> that we be going for NUS event. So I would like to know does anyone have
> any > objections or forsee any problems that I didn't put it down above? >
> > regards> billy>  > -- > Singapore Ubuntu Team> http://ubuntu.sg> > -- >
> Ubuntu-SG mailing list> Ubuntu-SG at lists.ubuntu.com>
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-sg
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