[Ubuntu-SG] update on the fairs and events for schools

Maung Myat Thu @ Billy Aung Myint billy at ubuntu.sg
Mon Apr 30 23:30:49 UTC 2007

On Monday 30 April 2007 11:37, Chen Xiangpeng wrote:

Thanks for the very neat summary :P My words usually come out as messy as my 
room. LOL

> Hey Guys,
> I've summarized what billy said into a to-do:
> 1. Rental of location (T.B.C)
> 2. Promotional Pamphlets for the loco team
> 3. Ordering of CDs
> My humble suggestions:
> 1. Hardware for live demo/video
> 2. Polo Tees for the local team? (black, white and red sounds so yummy)
> 3. Stickers?
> 4. Promotional material with more technical information with regards to
> Free Software

All these can be done no problem. As for hardware , NUS team should have a 
laptop or so.. Again things need to be sort out with NUS guys.  


> XP
> On 4/30/07, Maung Myat Thu @ Billy Aung Myint <billy at ubuntu.sg> wrote:
> > Hi Guys ,
> >
> >                 I just got the reply from the contact person for the NUS
> > inux
> > Group. Basically they will have a booth for matriculation fair in early
> > August. They are still working out the date and time. The rental fee is
> > SG$5
> > + $50 refundable deposit. Surely we should have no problem with that kind
> > of
> > fee do we? :P
> >
> >                Here are the problems , we need man-power. Since we don't
> > know
> > the exact date and time , it will be hard to say but we should keep that
> > in
> > mind. Secondly , we need to print some promotional pamphlets about the
> > team
> > and that should have some nice designs and artworks. Of course , we
> > should print that as well so that means about $100+ for that ? Does
> > anyone print those before ? Any estimates ??
> >
> >                Clearly , we got to make a special order from canonical
> > for the
> > CDs , about 500 i386 + 200 64bit , enough right ?? We got to at least
> > confirm
> > that we be going for NUS event. So I would like to know does anyone have
> > any
> > objections or forsee any problems that I didn't put it down above?
> >
> > regards
> > billy
> >
> > --
> > Singapore Ubuntu Team
> > http://ubuntu.sg
> >
> > --
> > Ubuntu-SG mailing list
> > Ubuntu-SG at lists.ubuntu.com
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