[Ubuntu-SG] Update on the mailing list. Great News!!!

Maung Myat Thu @ Billy Aung Myint billy at ubuntu.sg
Sun Apr 29 15:09:03 UTC 2007

On Sunday 29 April 2007 20:07, Harris Ngan wrote:
>  > It wasn't ? Wow ... then how do you guys use dreamweaver or visual
>  > studio ? > For that matter , reinstall windows if you got virus ? Surely
>  > , don't tell me > students in NUS/NTU must buy those things? Office ? I
>  > thought schools paid > for corporate accounts for all those softwares. >
>  > I suppose you mean campus computer. Yes they did have some useful
>  > software but of course we don't have license to install in our laptop.

Then ... how to do homework? Lets say visual basic homework ? Surely , you get 
to install visual studio in your laptop to do the homework?? For that matter 
visio or dreamweaver ? How in the world did you guy make websites or do any 
sort of programming in windows? I remember I could install full macromedia 
softwares and most of microsoft programming tools ... Of course I had to go 
to the IT room where they install them for you but at least they get into the 

>  > At least not that I am aware of. There is discount for buying them in
>  > the univ store though.> > No problem , if it isn't more than $500 , I
>  > think we can fork it out > ourselves. That's true. Small amount
>  > shouldn't be a problem.> > We also need alot of Matlab and > > that was
>  > used to be accomplished by either use remote servers in NUS or hmm> >
>  > trying to get some 'source'. So I think Octave might be a good option
>  > (of> > course for the more advanced), there is still abit of
>  > incompatibility in> > some areas like plotting.> > We can check with the
>  > students for that. We can of course show all the free > softwares ,
>  > including beryl.Absolutely. is it legal to use the w32codec in
>  > singapore? I think if it is legal then people can basically do what
>  > windows can do and with better quality. > > Both NUS and NTU has Linux
>  > User Groups. NUS head is in LUGS exco. In fact, he > was the one who
>  > emailed to me that local sg server been fixed. So contacting > the clubs
>  > have no problem. I will be emailing him tonight on how we can apply >
>  > for a booth at NUS , if we can. That's great. Maybe he will be able to
>  > shed some lights to put the idea into action. Not to forget SMU.
>  > Business students also need linux. LOL.> > > I can understand how tough
>  > it is > > to distribute CD at Orchard road. > > Not tough , it was
>  > funny. We got gals queuing to take photos with the penguin. > Needless
>  > to say , nobody was interested in the CDs. LOLActually, there should
>  > have a penguin photo-editing competition using gimp. haha. at least they
>  > will start using some open-source softwares:P> > > Well we will have to
>  > try. Any suggestion > > how shall we put the How-tos together
>  > systematically on our site? Do we do> > something similar to
>  > ubuntuguide? or we update the ubuntuguide and have a> > link to them?
>  > 'cause i think How-tos do help me alot in the past and I> > certainly
>  > would like to have a easy direction to find my solution.> > Yup ,
>  > linking would be a very good idea. Why reinvent the wheel ? I will see
>  > if i can create a search engine to grab the sources so that people can
>  > search more easily for answers.> Thanks for the ideas Harris. I will be
>  > emailing the NUS tonight. I am not sure > who is in charge at NTU
>  > though.. I will update the situation asap. Cheers!!!No worries. To get
>  > things really work, we just have to seize every opportunity
>  > available.CheersHarris
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