<div dir="ltr"><pre style="color:rgb(0,0,0);word-wrap:break-word;white-space:pre-wrap">== Meeting information ==
* #ubuntu-meeting: ubuntu-server-team, 21 Jun at 16:02 — 16:46 UTC
* Full logs at [[<a href="http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2016/ubuntu-meeting.2016-06-21-16.02.log.html">http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2016/ubuntu-meeting.2016-06-21-16.02.log.html</a>]]
== Meeting summary ==
=== Review ACTION points from previous meeting ===
The discussion about "Review ACTION points from previous meeting" started at 16:02.
=== Yakkety Development ===
The discussion about "Yakkety Development" started at 16:03.
* ''LINK:'' <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/ReleaseSchedule">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/ReleaseSchedule</a>
* ''LINK:'' <a href="https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html">https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html</a>
* ''LINK:'' <a href="https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html">https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html</a>
* '''Release Bugs''' (16:04)
* ''LINK:'' <a href="http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-y-tracking-bug-tasks.html#ubuntu-server">http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-y-tracking-bug-tasks.html#ubuntu-server</a>
=== Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou) ===
The discussion about "Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)" started at 16:06.
* ''LINK:'' <a href="https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/multipath-tools/+bug/1583563">https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/multipath-tools/+bug/1583563</a>
=== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges) ===
The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges)" started at 16:15.
=== Upcoming Call For Papers ===
The discussion about "Upcoming Call For Papers" started at 16:17.
=== Ubuntu Server Team Events ===
The discussion about "Ubuntu Server Team Events" started at 16:18.
=== Open Discussion ===
The discussion about "Open Discussion" started at 16:20.
* ''ACTION:'' rharper to enable AIO backend in tgt in yakkety
=== Announce next meeting date, time and chair ===
The discussion about "Announce next meeting date, time and chair" started at 16:22.
=== Assigned merges/bugwork (rbasak) ===
The discussion about "Assigned merges/bugwork (rbasak)" started at 16:23.
<br></pre><pre style="color:rgb(0,0,0);word-wrap:break-word;white-space:pre-wrap"><span style="color:rgb(34,34,34);white-space:normal"><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"> </font><font face="monospace, monospace">We now regularly track progress on community important bugs here. See the full log for details.</font></span></pre><pre style="word-wrap:break-word"> * ''LINK:'' <a href="http://paste.ubuntu.com/17650089/">http://paste.ubuntu.com/17650089/</a>
== Action items, by person ==
* rharper
* rharper to enable AIO backend in tgt in yakkety
<font color="#000000"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap"><br></span></font></pre></div>