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I am working for 3 days on a server installation (12.04) now. I am
using kvm to run virtual machines on my server. I was looking now
for a management tool and tried convirt. After apt-get install
convirt I noticed, that the installation process for this package is
1) In /etc/convirt/development.ini the administrator password for
mysql ist not set. This can be done manually (<span
style="font-style: italic">sqlalchemy.url=mysql://root:mypassword@localhost:3306/convirt?charset=utf8).<br>
2) After that I tried to start it (sudo service convirt start)
again. But it failed with respect to the missing database tables.
Database convirt (mysql) is created but is empty.
"dpkg-reconfigure convirt" does not help. I tried convirt_setup
and database was now created properly.<br>
3) And again I tried to start the service. But now I get an error
like "there is no property for object c" in the log file.<br>
Any hint for me? Do you need more detailed information?<br>
Thanks for any help<br>