The subject pretty much says it. I've been doing a lot of reading and testing with both and mailscanner seems to be much easier to use. They both have fairly equal feature-sets all though MailWatcher for mailscanner is pretty awesome and I see no equivalent for amavisd-new. I also hear mailscanner has better performance, and after reviewing the architectures of both I would expect mailscanner to have better performance. Mailscanner's method of getting the emails from postfix and injecting back in to postfix makes more sense and takes advantage of a feature in postfix designed to allow scanning of emails. From what I see on the 'net, mailscanner also seems to be much more popular (as I would expect). So I was surprised to see amavisd-new in the official Ubuntu Server documentation. Mailscanner seems to be the more likely choice to get the nod of approval from the server team. I'm guessing this has something to do with a problem between mailscanner and postfix in the past, however, without going in to details, that problem has been fixed thanks to a feature added to postfix (the above mentioned feature about scanning of emails).<br>
<br>Thanks for any consideration.<br><br>Brazen<br>