Merge Opportunities Report - 2025-01-27

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at
Mon Jan 27 08:55:02 UTC 2025

New Mergeable Version in Debian Unstable
high  apache2                   2.4.63-1                  2.4.62-3ubuntu1          
high  bind9                     1:9.20.4-4                1:9.20.0-2ubuntu3        
high  procmail                  3.24+really3.22-4         3.24-1ubuntu3            
high  samba                     2:4.21.3+dfsg-6           2:4.20.4+dfsg-1ubuntu5   
low   bridge-utils              1.7.1-3                   1.7.1-2ubuntu1           
low   checksecurity             2.0.17                    2.0.16+nmu4ubuntu1       
low   exim4                     4.98-3                    4.98-2ubuntu1            
low   fence-agents              4.16.0-2                  4.15.0-1ubuntu5          
low   frr                       10.2.1-2                  10.2.1-1ubuntu3          
low   gpsd                      3.25-5                    3.25-4ubuntu1            
low   init-system-helpers       1.68                      1.67ubuntu1              
low   ipmitool                  1.8.19-7.1                1.8.19-7ubuntu1          
low   kronosnet                 1.30-1                    1.29-1ubuntu1            
low   libseccomp                2.5.5-2                   2.5.5-1ubuntu5           
low   libvirt                   11.0.0-1                  10.10.0-4ubuntu2         
low   logwatch                  7.7-2                     7.7-1ubuntu1             
low   mdevctl                   1.3.0-3                   1.3.0-1ubuntu4           
low   nspr                      2:4.36-1                  2:4.35-1.1ubuntu2        
low   nss                       2:3.107-1                 2:3.106-1ubuntu1         
low   openldap                  2.6.9+dfsg-1              2.6.9+dfsg-1~exp2ubuntu1 
low   pkg-php-tools             1.48                      1.46ubuntu1              
low   python-botocore           1.35.92+repack-2          1.34.46+repack-1ubuntu1  
low   python-s3transfer         0.10.4-1                  0.10.1-1ubuntu2          
low   qemu                      1:9.2.0+ds-5              1:9.0.2+ds-4ubuntu9      
low   rabbitmq-server           4.0.5-2                   3.12.1-1ubuntu2          
low   resource-agents           1:4.16.0-1                1:4.15.1-2ubuntu3        
low   rubygems-integration      1.19                      1.18ubuntu1              
low   ruby-tilt                 2.4.0-2                   2.0.11-2ubuntu1          
low   sg3-utils                 1.48-2                    1.48-0ubuntu1            
low   squid                     6.12-1                    6.10-1ubuntu2            
low   unbound                   1.22.0-1                  1.20.0-1ubuntu2.2        
low   valkey                    8.0.2+dfsg1-1             8.0.1+dfsg1-1ubuntu1     
low   vsftpd                    3.0.5-0.1                 3.0.5-0ubuntu4           

New Version in Experimental
high  multipath-tools           0.10.0-1                  0.9.9-1ubuntu3           
low   haproxy                   3.1.2-1                   3.0.7-1ubuntu1           
low   libsodium                 1.0.19-1                  1.0.18-1build3           
low   python-django             3:5.2~alpha1-1            3:4.2.18-1               
low   requests                  2.32.3+dfsg-2             2.32.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1     
low   ruby-rack                 3.0.8-1                   2.2.7-1.1                

New Syncs

New Upstream not in Debian
high  bcache-tools              UNKNOWN                   1.0.8-5build1            
high  screen                    5.0.0                     4.9.1-1build1            
(Low priority upstream releases skipped)

high == Packages seeded for Ubuntu-Server
low == Non-seeded packages Server team is subscribed to

Merges last authored or uploaded by Server team member or alumnus (via Merge-o-Matic)
bsfilter                        1:1.0.19-4ubuntu1         1:1.0.20~rc6-1       Lucas Kanashiro
camping                         2.3-1.1ubuntu1            2.3-2                Lucas Kanashiro
castle-game-engine              7.0~alpha.3+dfsg1-2ubuntu1 7.0~alpha.3+dfsg1-10 Andreas Hasenack
console-setup                   1.226ubuntu3              1.233                Andreas Hasenack
django-cachalot                 2.4.3-2ubuntu1            2.7.0-2              Lena Voytek
django-dbbackup                 4.0.2-0ubuntu1            4.2.1-1              Lena Voytek
hyperkitty                      1.3.7-1ubuntu2            1.3.12-1             Lena Voytek
libmail-dkim-perl               1.20230212-1ubuntu1       1.20240923-1         Miriam España Acebal
network-manager                 1.50.0-1ubuntu3           1.50.2-1             Lukas Märdian
node-nan                        2.18.0-1ubuntu1           2.22.0-1             Bryce Harrington
php-amqp                        2.1.2-1ubuntu1            2.1.2-5              Athos Ribeiro
php-apcu                        5.1.23-1ubuntu1           5.1.24-1             Athos Ribeiro
php-doctrine-dbal               3.8.7+dfsg-1ubuntu1       4.2.2+dfsg-2         Athos Ribeiro
php-doctrine-persistence        3.3.3-1ubuntu1            3.4.0-2              Athos Ribeiro
php-elisp                       1.25.1-3ubuntu1           1.25.1-4             Athos Ribeiro
php-igbinary                    3.2.15-1ubuntu1           3.2.16-4             Athos Ribeiro
php-klogger                     1.2.2-2ubuntu1            1.2.2-5              Athos Ribeiro
php-league-csv                  9.9.0-2ubuntu1            9.20.1+dfsg-2        Athos Ribeiro
php-memcache                    8.2-2ubuntu1              8.2-5                Athos Ribeiro
php-msgpack                     1:2.2.0-2ubuntu1          1:3.0.0-1            Athos Ribeiro
php-netscape-bookmark-parser    4.0.0-3ubuntu1            4.0.0-4              Athos Ribeiro
php-parser                      5.1.0-1ubuntu1            5.4.0-2              Athos Ribeiro
php-pcov                        1.0.11-5ubuntu1           1.0.11-9             Athos Ribeiro
php-redis                       6.0.2-1ubuntu1            6.1.0-3              Athos Ribeiro
php-symfony-polyfill            1.30.0-1ubuntu1           1.31.0-3             Athos Ribeiro
proftpd-dfsg                    1.3.8.b+dfsg-2ubuntu1     1.3.8.c+dfsg-1       Sergio Durigan Junior
python-django-crispy-forms      1.14.0-4ubuntu1           2.1-2                Lena Voytek
python-rtslib-fb                2.1.74-0ubuntu5           2.1.76-3             Sergio Durigan Junior
q2-phylogeny                    2024.2.0-1ubuntu1         2024.5.0-1           Athos Ribeiro
rsyslog                         8.2406.0-1ubuntu2         8.2412.0-1           Andreas Hasenack
ruby-fast-xs                    0.8.0-3ubuntu1            0.8.0-3.1            Lucas Kanashiro
ruby-hiredis                    0.6.3-3ubuntu1            0.6.3-5              Lucas Kanashiro
ruby-jekyll-gist                1.5.0-2ubuntu1            1.5.0-3              Lucas Kanashiro
ruby-maxitest                   4.1.0-1ubuntu1            5.8.0-1              Lucas Kanashiro
ruby-memory-profiler            1.0.1-3ubuntu2            1.0.1-4              Lucas Kanashiro
ruby-mysql2                     0.5.3-4ubuntu7            0.5.5-3              Lucas Kanashiro
ruby-posix-spawn                0.3.15-1ubuntu1           0.3.15-3             Lucas Kanashiro
ruby-rabl-rails                 0.6.2-1ubuntu1            0.6.2-2              Lucas Kanashiro
ruby-reverse-markdown           2.1.1-1ubuntu1            3.0.0-1              Lucas Kanashiro
ruby-tioga                      1.19.1-5ubuntu1           1.19.1-6             Lucas Kanashiro
ruby-uconv                      0.6.1-3ubuntu1            0.6.1-4              Lucas Kanashiro
sbcl                            2:2.2.9-1ubuntu2          2:2.5.0-1            Sergio Durigan Junior
symfony                         6.4.10+dfsg-1ubuntu1      6.4.17+dfsg-6        Athos Ribeiro
unhide                          20220611-1ubuntu1         20220611-2           Robie Basak
xdebug                          3.2.0+3.1.6+2.9.8+2.8.1+2.5.5-3ubuntu1 3.4.1-1              Athos Ribeiro

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