Tuesday bug triage 2024-10-21

Miriam Espana Acebal miriam.espana at canonical.com
Tue Oct 22 13:04:27 UTC 2024

= Bug Triage =
Team 'ubuntu-server' currently subscribed to 297 bugs
Bugs last updated on 2024-10-21 (Monday)
Date range identified as: "Tuesday triage"

Found 10 bugs, worth mentioning:

* https://pad.lv/2081110 | | DOP | In Progress | nspr | FTBFS for oracular
  This is Lena's MPs pending review.

* https://pad.lv/2084954 | | D | Incomplete  | apache2  | apache2 cannot be
installed with apt/apt-get |
  The user said that the issue happens when they are building a docker
image. So I asked for the Dockerfile they're using. I'm tried to
  replicate the issue building a basic Dockerfile that installs and run
apache (which I provided in my comment) and all went OK. I think it
  might be a problem with the docker cache itself, so I asked the user to
build with the --no-cache option. I left it as "Incomplete".

* https://pad.lv/2085140 | D | New | libsdl2 |  Patch Joystick subsystem
  This affects Noble, as per the reporter's description. The reporter
provides a link to an upstream fix with an extended discussion thread, but
the steps to reproduce the issue are not clear to me. In upstream, they
seem to be this [1], but I asked the user if they can provide anything more
specific in their case (using RetroPie, https://retropie.org.uk/ ). Also,
as it can be hardware-dependent, I asked if it affects all the controllers
they support (I have Nintendo Switch controllers that I could set up
according to RetroPie's docs, but I haven't tried it yet). Marked as
"Incomplete" for now.

  [1] https://github.com/libsdl-org/sdl/issues/9092/#issuecomment-2026628650

= Doc Triage =
* Discourse: 0
  ❯ dsctriage 2024-10-21
  Discourse Comment Triage Helper
  Showing comments belonging to the Server category on
https://discourse.ubuntu.com, updated on 2024-10-21 (Monday)

* UMH :
  - PR: I have to update my PR :$ !
  - Issues: Lucas replied to #128 "Please add a bug response template for
sponsoring requests from other Canonical teams"... I think this might need
a deeper insight.

[image: Canonical-20th-anniversary]

Miriam España Acebal

Software Engineer II - Ubuntu Public Cloud/Server


miriam.espana at canonical.com


Spain  (GMT+2)


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