Wednesday Triage Report (2024-01-10)

Sergio Durigan Junior sergio.durigan at
Wed Jan 10 22:07:30 UTC 2024

Bug Triage

ustriage found 15 bugs.  These are the noteworthy ones:

### | Confirmed | init-system-helpers | Cannot
    configure krb5-kdc on Ubuntu Jammy 22.04.01, Could n… |

I'd investigated this problem before and thought that it should be
considered a bug with krb5-kdc, but upon revisiting it I've changed my
opinion.  I think it makes sense to consider this a problem with
init-system-helpers too.  I also believe this should be forwarded to
Debian, as we don't want to diverge from them in such cases.  I left a
comment explaining my opinion, set the bug to Triaged and subscribed

### | Won't Fix | rpcbind | rpcbind init.d script
    doesn't work with SELinux |

Left a comment reiterating why I also believe that this is not a bug in
Ubuntu, and provided instructions on how to report a bug against Debian.

Documentation Triage

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2024-01-09 (Tuesday)

Nothing to triage.

GPG key ID: E92F D0B3 6B14 F1F4 D8E0  EB2F 106D A1C8 C3CB BF14
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