Triage for bugs last updated on 2024-01-04

Mitchell Dzurick mitchell.dzurick at
Fri Jan 5 22:11:47 UTC 2024

Bugs last updated on 2024-01-04 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"

Found 21 bugs

5 Relevant bugs

LP: #2042885 <> | [UBUNTU 22.04]
Running smartctl on NVME hit segmentation fa…
@Lukasz Zemczak <lukasz.zemczak at> there's a request here for
you to look at a debdiff.

LP: #2044135 <>  | asterisk-modules
does not replace asterisk-opus
Christian mentioned to use LXD to test out noble real quick and the user
had a follow up question on how to use lxd, so I provided some more context.

LP: #2048068 <> |
exim4-daemon-heavy: investigate enabling experimental ARC s…
Ongoing conversation on previous bugs. Added server-triage-discuss so it
doesn't get lost, as it looks like there is still some more conversation to
be had on it.

LP: #2046994 <> | Spotlight search
function broken with macOS Ventura and lat…
I prepared a package for the user to test. Still waiting for the package to
build and will update the bug report once it's ready.

LP: #2048081 <> | package
openssh-client 1:8.9p1-3ubuntu0.5 failed to install…
See dpkg-deb (sub-processo): ZSTD_decompressStream error : Corrupted block
detected which makes me think the package got corrupted in transport. Told
the user to apt-get clean && apt-get update to see if that fixes it. Set to


Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2024-01-04 (Thursday)
*Virtualisation with QEMU <> [Sally
Makin, 2024-01-04]
*VM tools in the Ubuntu s… <> [Sally
Makin, 2024-01-04]
*About OpenStack <> [Sally Makin,
*Ubuntu Server explanatio… <> [Sally
Makin, 2024-01-04]
*Introduction to virtuali… <> [Sally
Makin, 2024-01-04]
*Container tools in the U… <> [Sally
Makin, 2024-01-04]

Nothing to do here, just updates on blogs.
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