Triage report for bugs last updated on 2024-02-28

Paride Legovini paride at
Thu Feb 29 16:11:46 UTC 2024

Team 'ubuntu-server' currently subscribed to 254 bugs
No date set, auto-search yesterday/weekend for the most common triage.
Bugs last updated on 2024-02-28 (Wednesday)

Found 23 bugs, I'll mention two:

# The systemd service for NBD Client doesn't come up on boot

The user provided a good reproducer, and I can indeed reproduce the issue
on Noble, Focal, Bionic. I think we have indeed a bug in Ubuntu here, but
I suggested also filing an upstream bug, given that the systemd units
we have in Ubuntu come from upstream, and that the problem seems to be
related with the systemd unit dependencies.

# qemu: virtio: bogus descriptor or out of resources

Noble bug requiring UEFI SCT + EDK II + qemu-system-riscv64. There's
a patch proposed by xypron, but I suggested waiting for it to be 
upstreamed before adding it to the qemu Ubuntu delta, given that
upstream is actively discussing it, see:

# dsctriage: the only comment is from Sally.


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