Triage report for bugs last updated on 2024-02-15

Mitchell Dzurick mitchell.dzurick at
Fri Feb 16 21:41:32 UTC 2024

Team 'ubuntu-server' currently subscribed to 255 bugs
Bugs last updated on 2024-02-15 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"

*Found 21 bugs*

* <>* | openssh 8.9p1 for Jammy
auth2-gss patch for gssapi-keyex me
Relatively new bug stating that gssapi-keyex is not functioning in Jammy. I
asked the user for reproducible steps since I'm not very familiar with this
functionality of openssh.

* <>* | Confusing description of package
This new bug is requesting dns-root-data to change the description, as it
is potentially misleading. I don't understand the terminology the best so
might be better for a group discussion, hence I added
server-triage-discuss. The problematic wording here is "DNS root zone"
which the user mentions refers to the file containing the TLDs.

Currently we have the following files in noble:
$ dpkg-query -L dns-root-data

*Bugs not touched in 60 days*
* <>* | A hostname resolving to an IPv6
address crashes mosh
This expired since Sergio asked the user for a reproducer. I also tried to
reproduce and could not reproduce it, so I'm fine letting it stay expired
unless there's any objections.
Nothing to do
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