Merge Opportunities Report - 2024-02-12

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at
Fri Feb 16 06:49:13 UTC 2024

On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 12:46:42AM -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> Merges last authored or uploaded by Server team member or alumnus (via Merge-o-Matic)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> php-cache-integration-tests     0.17.0-2ubuntu1           0.17.0-5             Bryce Harrington

Debian took the same upstream patch as us, so this is syncable.
I've done so.

> monitoring-plugins              2.3.3-6ubuntu1            2.3.5-1              Bryce Harrington

Change is still relevant.  I've done the merge and posted an MP for review.

* mp:bryce/monitoring-plugins/460662

> node-nan                        2.17.0-1ubuntu1           2.18.0-1             Bryce Harrington

Delta is probably still relevant.
I'll work on this tomorrow

> adminer                         4.8.1-1ubuntu1            4.8.1-2              Athos Ribeiro
> dislocker                       0.7.3-2.1ubuntu2          0.7.3-3              Lucas Kanashiro
> django-cte                      1.3.0-1ubuntu1            1.3.2-1              Lena Voytek
> django-oauth-toolkit            1.7.0-2ubuntu1            2.3.0-3              Lena Voytek
> elinks                         Athos Ribeiro
> gnokii                          0.6.31+dfsg-2ubuntu10     0.6.31+dfsg-5        Andreas Hasenack
> golang-github-shirou-gopsutil   3.22.10-1ubuntu1          3.23.12-3            Andreas Hasenack
> libcgi-application-plugin-messagestack-perl  0.34-4ubuntu3             0.34-5               Lucas Kanashiro
> lua-dbi                         0.7.2-3ubuntu2            0.7.2-4              Athos Ribeiro
> nagios-plugins-rabbitmq         1:1.2.0-2.2ubuntu1        1:1.2.0-2.5          Christian Ehrhardt
> netatalk                        3.1.15~ds-1ubuntu1        3.1.18~ds-1          Sergio Durigan Junior
> pexpect                         4.8.0-4ubuntu1            4.9-1                Sergio Durigan Junior
> php-amqplib                     3.5.4-1ubuntu1            3.6.0-1              Athos Ribeiro

> php-doctrine-dbal               3.6.1+dfsg-1ubuntu1       3.8.0+dfsg-1         Athos Ribeiro
> php-doctrine-deprecations       1.1.2-1ubuntu1            1.1.3-1              Athos Ribeiro
> php-klogger                     1.2.2-1ubuntu1            1.2.2-2              Athos Ribeiro
> php-net-ldap2                   2.2.1-2ubuntu1            2.3.0-1              Andreas Hasenack
> php-zeta-console-tools          1.7.3-1ubuntu1            1.7.4-1              Athos Ribeiro
> psycopg3                        3.1.8-0ubuntu1            3.1.17-2             Lena Voytek
> python-django-compressor        4.0-2ubuntu1              4.0-4                Lena Voytek
> python-django-crispy-forms      1.14.0-4ubuntu1           2.1-2                Lena Voytek
> python-django-modelcluster      6.0-2ubuntu1              6.2.1-1              Lena Voytek
> python-django-tagging           1:0.5.0-4ubuntu1          1:0.5.0-5            Lena Voytek
> python-rtslib-fb                2.1.74-0ubuntu5           2.1.75-2.1           Sergio Durigan Junior
> r10k                            3.7.0-2.1ubuntu1          4.0.0-1              Lucas Kanashiro
> request-tracker5                5.0.1+dfsg-1ubuntu1       5.0.5+dfsg-2         Lucas Kanashiro
> rss-glx                         0.9.1-6.3ubuntu1          0.9.1-6.5            Christian Ehrhardt
> ruby-fast-gettext               2.0.3-1ubuntu2            2.0.3-2              Utkarsh Gupta
> sbcl                            2:2.2.9-1ubuntu2          2:2.3.7-2            Sergio Durigan Junior
> symfony                         5.4.23+dfsg-1ubuntu1      5.4.35+dfsg-1        Athos Ribeiro
> tomcat9                         9.0.70-1ubuntu1           9.0.70-2             Andreas Hasenack
> ust                             2.13.6-2ubuntu1           2.13.7-1             Andreas Hasenack

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