Triage report for bugs last updated on 2023-09-20

Paride Legovini paride at
Thu Sep 21 12:33:19 UTC 2023

Team 'ubuntu-server' currently subscribed to 242 bugs
Bugs last updated on 2023-09-20 (Wednesday)
Date range identified as: "Thursday triage"
Found 27 bugs

As usual most bugs are in good hands and making progress.
I'll mention two here.

## Synchronous Exception in qemu-system-arm64 VM

tldr: mantic qemu-efi-aarch64 fails to boot VMs.
There's a corresponding Debian bug. Being worked at by dannf.
I bumped the importance to High and tagged it rls-mm-incoming.

## containerd packages are missing the crictl binary

Looks like a valid Wishlist bug. Subscribed LucasK as he'll know
whether this is feasible and easy as I hope it is.


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