Triage report for Bugs last updated on 2023-10-19

Mitchell Dzurick mitchell.dzurick at
Fri Oct 20 19:44:49 UTC 2023

Bugs last updated on 2023-10-19 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"

4 Bugs needed attention

LP: #2011721 <>
| GPS position information doesn't update beyond a first fix
Mantic seems to work, so the goal now is to find exactly which commit(s)
fix this issue for Lunar->Focal. The commit set is pretty massive between
Lunar->Mantic so I asked one of the affected users if they are okay
building a slightly newer commit than in Lunar to see if that fixes the
issue, which will narrow down the commit range greatly.

LP: #2035422
<> |
sdl2-config can fail when using clang over gcc
Debian provided a fix to their patch. I started a build with the updated
debian patch and asked the submitter to confirm it fixes it. I tried
quickly in an lxc container and still saw the issue, but I could have
configured something else wrong, or there was a pre-req I missed.

LP: #2039476
<> |
Ubuntu-Mantic-Arm64 ffplay Segmentation Fault with mp4 vide…
Asked the user if they could play regular h264 encoded mp4 files with
ffplay. Could be an issue with h264_v4l2m2m specifically. I ran a quick
test in an amd64 mantic VM and confirmed regular h264 encoded files play

LP: #2039752
<> | package
openssh-server 1:9.0p1-1ubuntu8.5 failed to install…
I tried to reproduce this failure in lunar, and I found one case that
caused a similar failure. This is because tinysshd.socket was using port 22
so when openssh-server.postinst tried to restart ssh.socket it failed due
to resource constraints (port22 used being the constraint).

Maybe in the future openssh-server should check that port 22 is being used
by ssh and not another utility like tinysshd before attempting to restart
the socket?
Nothing to do
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