Wednesday Triage Report (2023-05-17)

Sergio Durigan Junior sergio.durigan at
Wed May 17 18:27:11 UTC 2023

Bug Triage

ustriage found 26 bugs.  These are the noteworthy ones:

### | New | nbd | nbd-server hangs after fork |

Confirmed that the bug exists.  I will work on backporting the patches
mentioned by the Debian maintainer and see if they fix the issue.

### | New | simplestreams | amd64 build of
    simplestreams failed in ubuntu bionic release |

Left a comment for Michal to provide logs for the build failure he's

### | New | mysql-8.0 | Forcibly removes root
    access |

I wasn't able to reproduce this one, so I marked it as Incomplete.
Nonetheless, it feels like a valid issue, so I'm flagging it here.

Bugs tagged "-needs-merge -needs-sync -needs-oci-update -needs-snap-update -needs-mre-backport -needs-ppa-backport" and subscribed "ubuntu-server" and not touched in 60 days

### | | DFJK | Fix Committed | strongswan | The
    Diffie-Hellman algorithm modp6144 is not permitted in F… |

Nothing to do here.

Documentation Triage

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-05-16 (Tuesday)

Nothing to triage.

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