Tuesday triage (2023-03-20)

Lucas Kanashiro lucas.kanashiro at canonical.com
Tue Mar 21 17:21:37 UTC 2023

# Bug triage

## https://pad.lv/2000739 | *      | D       | Confirmed     | qemu
       | Window actions (like maximize) no more work in wayland for … |

The bug reporter added a comment, since Christian has been active on that
bug I did not spend time trying to reproduce it myself.

## https://pad.lv/2012207 |        | D       | New           | gpsd
       | gpsd udev devices includes a common USB Serial adapter.  Co… |

The user is facing an issue with a udev rule. There is a patch commenting
out a similar rule in the file, I believe we should update it to reflect
the upstream change. Marked as Triaged and subscribed ubuntu-server.

# Discourse comments triage

Nothing to be triaged.

Lucas Kanashiro.
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