Monday triage

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at
Wed Jan 4 05:12:38 UTC 2023

Bunch of bugs, but as usual most are just updates due to team's work.
Of the remainder, only these required any attention:

### LP: #1908223 | Incomplete | nmap | 7.80 crashes with Assertion `htn.toclock_running == true' 

Already triaged by Paride, but commenter just repeated request for a
fix.  Paride identified a possible commit.  I reiterated Paride's
request and asked if a PPA with the patch would be good enough for their

### LP: #1947165 | Triaged | nmap | nmap crashes when scanning /24 subnet

Same as the above issue.  Set as dupe.

### LP: #2000795 | New | mysql-8.0 | Can't read dir of '/etc/mysql/conf.d/'

No reproducer provided, but looks a lot like the known issue when
manually removing /etc/mysql/.

Duped to LP: #1914636

### LP: #2000817 | Triaged | openldap | Wrong SHA256-value computed on kinetic

I reproduced not just on kinetic but also jammy and lunar, and found a
couple external links mentioning the same problem and suggested
workaround of adding the compilation option -fno-strict-aliasing.  This
looks like a legit patch-on-a-plate for SRU, so I've added to

### LP: #2000672 | Triaged | sosreport | Missing log files for Ceph iSCSI gateway

The reporter also forwarded the bug upstream, and there's a pull request
with active discussion that looks likely to soon land a fix.  I'm
guessing most likely this will be included in an upstream release,
debian will do a new release, and slashd merge it in.  This seems viable
for SRU, although the reporter didn't specifically request that.

I've asked for clarification on a couple points, but think this is
pretty close to actionable and ideally should be tackled soon, so I've
marked it server-next.

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