Tuesday triage (2023-02-13)

Lucas Kanashiro lucas.kanashiro at canonical.com
Tue Feb 14 15:26:47 UTC 2023

# Bug triage

## https://pad.lv/1258003 | *+     | DJ      | Triaged       | bind9
        |             DiG crashes on +nssearch with +tcp in bind9 9.18 |
## https://pad.lv/1970252 | *+     | DJK     | In Progress   | bind9
        | The `dig` and `host` commands core dump or give incomplete … |

I did not take a deep look at the bugs above, I'd like to ask Sergio and
Lena whether they are related. The second one is getting fixed by Lena, and
I am not sure if the fix will help in any way the situation of the first

## https://pad.lv/2006567 |        | D       | Confirmed     | pollinate
        | Intermediate SSL cert in entropy.ubuntu.com.pem expires on … |

One of the certs installed by pollinate is indeed expiring soon, I was able
to reproduce that with the command provided by the bug reporter. However, I
do not know if this is an issue or not a problem at all. Marked as Triaged.

## https://pad.lv/2007055 |        | D       | New           | samba
        |              cifs/samba mount not preserving file timestamps |

On this bug the user did some good investigation and provided some steps to
reproduce the issue. I did not have the time to try it out by myself, it
requires setting up many things. I am sharing this bug here in case someone
has the time to do it.

# Discourse comments triage

Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-02-13
|████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [100%] in 3.8s (0.67/s)
*Cloud Images - Google Co… [Sally Makin, 2023-02-13] (
*Ubuntu Server reference   [Sally Makin, 2023-02-13] (

All comments made by Sally.

Lucas Kanashiro.
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