Tuesday triage (2023-01-23)

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at canonical.com
Wed Feb 8 20:40:27 UTC 2023

On Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 05:46:45PM -0300, Lucas Kanashiro wrote:
> # Bug triage
> ## https://pad.lv/1928367 |        | DFGH    | Incomplete    | openvpn
>         | [Focal-only] openvpn postinst script restarts with init.d, … |
> The bug reporter brought up some info as requested by Bryce in his last
> interaction, however, I do not think this is still enough to pursue a SRU.
> Bryce, maybe you want to take a look at that.
> ## https://pad.lv/1996869 |        | D       | New           | sssd
>        | autofs don't close sockets and stops working when max open … |
> The package provided by Lena in a PPA was tested and it indeed fixes the
> issue according to the reporter. We have the patch and a not so detailed
> set of reproduction steps (it would require some more work here), so I
> subscribed ubuntu-server and added the server-todo tag.
> ## https://pad.lv/2003709 |        | D       | New           | apache2
>         |        Apache2 magic mime file is broken (2.4.52-1ubuntu4.2) |
> I was able to reproduce the issue reported by the user but it still
> requires some more investigation to better understand the situation. I
> marked it as Triaged and subscribed ubuntu-server.

I worked on this one yesterday.  I did reproduce the issue and fix when
using Apache's magic config with the 'file' command, however it's
clearly documented in the package that the magic config is specific to
Apache and not expected to work with 'file'.  So I think that's a red

The fact that the content-type isn't being printed does sound like a
valid issue, however I couldn't reproduce the reporter's suggested fix.
Also I think if this is broken it's been broken for a while; I repro'd
the same behavior on bionic.  I do think this would would be a great
thing to get working, however at this point it may be more of a wishlist
item, so putting it in the backlog is fine.  I timeboxed the analysis
and asked reporter for guidance.
> # Discourse comments triage
> No comments to be triaged. All comments added by Andreas :)
> Lucas Kanashiro.

> -- 
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