Monday Triage Report (2023-02-06)

Athos Ribeiro athos.ribeiro at
Mon Feb 6 17:13:44 UTC 2023

Bugs last updated between 2023-02-03 (Friday) and 2023-02-05 (Sunday) inclusive
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"

Found 25 bugs | smartmontools | WD Red Pro: #192 is NOT power off retract count | smartmontools | WD Red Pro regex missing new 20TB model
   Both issues came from the same reporter. They were also proactive and
   reported the issue upstream. While I do not have the hardware needed to
   reproduce the issue, the reports look reasonable. I added trackers for the
   upstream bugs and added them to our backlog for now. | bind9 | Bind9 service file for 20.04 and older is missing Restart p…
   This is a request to add a "Restart=on-failure" entry in the named systemd
   unit file. I linked the Debian bug that fixed it in Debian back in 2020. The
   issue only affects focal and bionic, so this is an SRU request. Since I am
   not sure if backporting the service change was discussed in the past, I added
   a server-triage-discuss tag to this one.

Bugs not touched in 60 days | autofs | autofs: regression on focal->jammy upgrade: SASL binds to … | autofs | autofs: Missing support of SCRAM for SASL binds
   We are waiting for upstream on these ones. I did not touch them.

Bugs subscribed to ubuntu-server and not touched in 180 days | nginx | nginx.service: Failed to read PID from file /run/…
   This is a low priority bug in nginx which only affects bionic. As we approach
   the end of standard support for that series, I wonder if we should bump the
   priority to ensure it is dealt with in time or not. I added a
   server-triage-discuss tag to the bug. | clamav | clamscan modifies atime during scheduled scans
   There is an open upstream bug which contains a "call for community
   contributions" to handle the issue. I understand this as the issue being low
   priority there. Moreover, this seems the kind of bug that should be fixed in
   the upstream project first so a potential patch gets properly reviewed there.
   I updated the bug with such information/thoughts.

There were no relevant discourse updates for the period.

Athos Ribeiro

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