Wednesday Triage Report (2022-10-12)

Sergio Durigan Junior sergio.durigan at
Thu Oct 13 18:28:59 UTC 2022

ustriage found 10 bugs.  These are the noteworthy ones:

### - (Confirmed) [sssd] - SSSD upgrade breaking
    p11_child and smartcard stops working

Pinged Marco about it.  He's been involved with sssd & smartcards and
has more context about the issue.

### - (New) [wireguard] - wg-quick fails with:
    Failed to resolve interface tun: No su…

Incomplete, likely a local problem, but it seems to relate to a
not-uncommon scenario (people disabling systemd-resolved, that is).

GPG key ID: E92F D0B3 6B14 F1F4 D8E0  EB2F 106D A1C8 C3CB BF14
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