ppa-dev-tools 0.2.1 release
Bryce Harrington
bryce.harrington at canonical.com
Wed Oct 12 05:12:26 UTC 2022
ppa is a command line client for managing PPAs in Launchpad.
With the 0.2.1 release, ppa-dev-tools is now finally installable using
pip, Snap, and/or Debian packages via a PPA. (Obviously, pick just one
installation method. The cli script sometimes get confused about where
its python modules come from.)
PyPI (pip):
$ pip3 install ppa-dev-tools
$ sudo snap install --edge ppa-dev-tools --devmode
$ sudo snap alias ppa-dev-tools.ppa ppa
PPA (deb):
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bryce/ppa-dev-tools
$ sudo apt install ppa-dev-tools
Feedback on issues relating to the packaging would be quite helpful
since its new. Problems with any of the above commands likewise would
be appreciated. Bugs can be reported here:
To create a new PPA in your own namespace:
$ ppa create <ppa-name>
Once you've uploaded a package, to block until all builds have succeeded
and been published:
$ ppa wait ppa:<lp-user>/<ppa-name>
A new command (still under development) allows checking autopkgtest
results for packages in your ppa:
$ ppa tests ppa:<lp-user>/<ppa-name>
# 0.2.1 Release #
This corrects some packaging issues when generating .deb and .snap
packages: Some missing build-dependencies are added, and some path
adjustments included to ensure the script is able to import the
installed python modules when installed in a snap environment.
# 0.2.0 Release #
This release adds a new 'tests' command that lists any pending or
waiting test runs against the PPA at autopackage.canonical.com. This
functionality is integrated from Christian Ehrhardt's `lp-test-ppa`
tool[1], coupled with new test cases, code documentation, and
pylint/flake style improvements. The new command is run like this:
$ ppa tests ppa:my-name/my-ppa
The second major focus for this release was to refine and solidify the
packaging and installation process. In addition to PyPI, this will be
packaged as a snap and as a debian package via PPA (of course!)
1: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+git/ubuntu-helpers/tree/cpaelzer/lp-test-ppa
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