Tuesday bug triage report (2022-10-24)

Lucas Kanashiro lucas.kanashiro at canonical.com
Tue Nov 1 12:54:53 UTC 2022

Team 'ubuntu-server' currently subscribed to 224 bugs
Bugs last updated on 2022-10-24 (Monday)
Date range identified as: "Tuesday triage"

Some comments below:

## https://pad.lv/1584485 |        | DTXY    | Fix Released  | samba
        | Upgrading samba to latest security fixes together with winb… |

Added tasks for Focal and Bionic which are impacted by this issue, and
marked the development release as Fix Released since it was fixed in
version 4.16. Subscribed ubuntu-server.

## https://pad.lv/1988144 |        | D       | Incomplete    | krb5
       |                           klist not showing tgt after reboot |

The user provided the requested config files and described how to reproduce
the issue. Sergio was testing that, since this requires to set up AD with
sssd I talked to him and he will be performing the tests again with the
extra information.

## https://pad.lv/1993173 |        | D       | New           | mysql-8.0
        |                         Apparent corruption of an index page |

The reporter presented the apparmor changes needed to fix the bug in their
system as Lena asked.

Lucas Kanashiro.
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