Wednesday Triage Report (2022-06-08)

Sergio Durigan Junior sergio.durigan at
Wed Jun 8 20:36:42 UTC 2022

ustriage found 27 bugs.  These are the noteworthy ones:

### - *(Incomplete) [clamav] - clamscan modifies
    atime during scheduled scans

Revisited the test case I had proposed and updated it to make sure it
triggers the bug.  Still waiting for upstream on this one (and still a
low priority bug).

### - (Confirmed) [samba] - Update Samba in
    22.04LTS to 4.15.7 so macOS clients can con…

Seems like a valid regression, but I don't have access to a MacOS in
order to test it.  I'm Cc'ing Andreas here so that he can take a look;
maybe he's able to test the bug.  Let me know otherwise.

### - (New) [mysql-8.0] - package
    mysql-server-8.0 8.0.29-0ubuntu0.22.04.2 failed to …

Lena looked and determined that this bug falls into an existent class of
MySQL bugs, so she's going to triage it accordingly.

### - (New) [mysql-8.0] - package
    mysql-server-8.0 8.0.29-0ubuntu0.22.04.2 failed to …


### - (New) [lxcfs] - SRU fix for LP#1807628

This is a sponsorship request and seems relatively trivial.  I will take
a look at it later.

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