Wednesday bug triage report

Athos Ribeiro athos.ribeiro at
Thu Jan 27 18:01:35 UTC 2022

Bugs last updated on 2022-01-25 (Tuesday)
Date range identified as: "Wednesday triage"
Found 15 bugs

Most of these bugs are already in good hands. I did follow-up on the
following one, which was already discussed here this week. - *(Incomplete)    [openssh]           - SSH 1.99 clients fail to connect to openssh-server 1:7.6p1-…
   This one was already mentioned by Lucas for his Tuesday triage report, for
   which Christian already replied. Note that the PPA mentioned is no longer
   available at,
   which would be the next step forward here. Note that the follow-up came from
   a Canonical support engineer on a very specific use case of a client. Added
   this to server-todo.

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