Tuesday bug triage report

Lucas Kanashiro lucas.kanashiro at canonical.com
Tue Feb 1 15:17:47 UTC 2022

Bugs last updated on 2022-01-31 (Monday)
Date range identified as: "Tuesday triage"
Found 16 bugs

As usual, most of the bugs have been taken care of by others. A couple of
comments below:

# https://pad.lv/1946834 - +(Triaged)       [multipath-tools]   - Merge
multipath-tools from Debian unstable for 22.04

I unassigned myself from this bug as we discussed in one of our meetings.
If I recall, Bryce or Athos offered to grab this merge.

# https://pad.lv/1959630 - (New)            [byobu]             - provide
屏風 as a commandline alias for byobu

I added this bug to the backlog, marked it as Triaged and set the
importance to Wishlist.

Nothing to be re-triaged.

Lucas Kanashiro.
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