Wednesday Triage Report (2022-12-21)

Sergio Durigan Junior sergio.durigan at
Thu Dec 29 20:32:59 UTC 2022

ustriage found 2 bugs.  These are the noteworthy ones:

### | Triaged | multipath-tools | Consider
    dropping d/p/kpartx-Improve-finding-loopback-devic… |

User comment confirming that a patch we carry should indeed be removed.
Athos reported the bug, and Bryce is working on merging the package for
Lunar.  I believe it's worth revisiting the bug during the merge.

### | New | qemu | Ubuntu 22.04 Local Volume Live
    Migration Issue |

Marked as Incomplete and asked for confirmation that the reported issue
is indeed the one fixed by the commit pointed by the reporter.

Bugs tagged "-needs-merge -needs-sync -needs-oci-update
-needs-snap-update -needs-mre-backport -needs-ppa-backport" and
subscribed "ubuntu-server" and not touched in 60 days

### | Fix Committed | open-vm-tools | Please do
    not run udevadm trigger without parameters |

Heads up to Bryce that this needs verification.

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