Merge Opportunities Report - 2022-12-19

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at
Mon Dec 19 08:48:57 UTC 2022

New Mergeable Version in Debian Unstable
high  bind9                     1:9.18.8-1                1:9.18.4-2ubuntu2         
high  multipath-tools           0.9.0-4                   0.8.8-1ubuntu2            
high  pollinate                 4.33-3.1                  4.33-3ubuntu2             
low   adcli                     0.9.1-2                   0.9.1-1ubuntu3            
low   chrony                    4.3-1                     4.2-2ubuntu2              
low   crmsh                     4.4.0-3                   4.4.0-1ubuntu1            
low   libp11                    0.4.12-0.1                0.4.12-0ubuntu1           
low   libvirt                   8.10.0-1                  8.6.0-0ubuntu5            
low   lm-sensors                1:3.6.0-7.1               1:3.6.0-7ubuntu1          
low   mdevctl                   1.2.0-2                   1.2.0-1ubuntu1            
low   mysql-8.0                 8.0.31-1                  8.0.31-0ubuntu3           
low   nginx                     1.22.1-4                  1.22.0-1ubuntu2           
low   openssh                   1:9.1p1-1                 1:9.0p1-1ubuntu8          
low   openvpn                   2.6.0~git20221215+beta2-1 2.6.0~git20221201-1ubuntu1
low   pam-p11                   0.3.1-1.2                 0.3.1-1.1ubuntu1          
low   pep8                      1.7.1-11                  1.7.1-9ubuntu1            
low   php-defaults              92+nmu1                   92ubuntu1                 
low   resource-agents           1:4.11.0-2                1:4.11.0-1ubuntu1         
low   runc                      1.1.4+ds1-1               1.1.4-0ubuntu1            
low   sysstat                   12.6.1-1                  12.5.6-1ubuntu1           
low   targetcli-fb              1:2.1.53-1.1              1:2.1.53-1ubuntu3         
low   thin                      1.8.0-2                   1.8.0-1ubuntu3            
low   virglrenderer             0.10.3-2                  0.9.1-1~exp1ubuntu2       

New Version in Experimental
low   dpdk                      22.11.1-1                 21.11.2-0ubuntu1         
low   liblinear                 2.43+dfsg-1               2.3.0+dfsg-5             
low   ruby-rack                 3.0.0-1                   2.2.4-2                  
low   ruby-sinatra              3.0.3-1                   2.2.2-1                  
low   tidy-html5                2:5.8.0-1~exp2            2:5.6.0-11build2         

New Syncs
low   ruby-defaults             1:3.1~1                   1:3.0~exp1                

New Upstream not in Debian
high  bcache-tools              UNKNOWN                   1.0.8-4ubuntu3           
high  lxd                       UNKNOWN                   -                        
high  open-iscsi                UNKNOWN                   2.1.8-1ubuntu1           
high  procmail                  UNKNOWN                   3.22-27                  
(Low priority upstream releases skipped)

high == Packages seeded for Ubuntu-Server
low == Non-seeded packages Server team is subscribed to

Merges last authored or uploaded by Server team member or alumnus (via Merge-o-Matic)
apparmor                        3.0.7-1ubuntu4            3.0.8-1              Andreas Hasenack
autopkgtest                     5.25ubuntu1               5.27                 Paride Legovini
bagel                           1.2.2-3ubuntu1            1.2.2-5              Utkarsh Gupta
deal.ii                         9.4.0-1ubuntu2            9.4.0-2              Andreas Hasenack
debos                           1.0.0+git20210707.c66a48d-2ubuntu1 1.1.1-2              Lucas Kanashiro                       20.10.21-0ubuntu1         20.10.21+dfsg1-1     Lucas Kanashiro
gnumeric                        1.12.53-1ubuntu1          1.12.53-1.1          Bryce Harrington
golang-github-google-martian    2.1.0+git20181219.d0b5ad3-3ubuntu1 3.3.2-2              Sergio Durigan Junior
golang-github-go-resty-resty    2.4.0-1ubuntu1            2.6.0-1              Sergio Durigan Junior
kmerresistance                  2.2.0-3ubuntu1            2.2.0-4              Sergio Durigan Junior
ldapscripts                     2.0.8-1ubuntu2            2.0.8-2              Sergio Durigan Junior
libcgi-application-plugin-messagestack-perl  0.34-4ubuntu3             0.34-5               Lucas Kanashiro
libsyntax-highlight-engine-kate-perl  0.14+dfsg-1ubuntu2        0.14+dfsg-4          Lucas Kanashiro
nagios-plugins-rabbitmq         1:1.2.0-2.2ubuntu1        1:1.2.0-2.4          Christian Ehrhardt
nanoc                           4.12.5-3ubuntu1           4.12.5-5             Lucas Kanashiro
node-nan                        2.16.0-1ubuntu1           2.17.0-1             Bryce Harrington
nss-wrapper                     1.1.11-1ubuntu2           1.1.12-1             Lucas Kanashiro
opentracing-cpp                 1.6.0-2ubuntu1            1.6.0-4              Sergio Durigan Junior
php-cache-integration-tests     0.17.0-2ubuntu1           0.17.0-3             Bryce Harrington
php-easyrdf                     1.0.0-2ubuntu1            1.0.0-3              Christian Ehrhardt
php-symfony-security-acl        3.3.1-1ubuntu1            3.3.2-1              Bryce Harrington
puma                            5.5.2-2ubuntu2            5.6.5-2              Lucas Kanashiro
pytest                          7.1.2-2ubuntu1            7.2.0-2              Andreas Hasenack
python-pbcommand                2.1.1+git20220616.3f2e6c2-1ubuntu1 2.1.1+git20220616.3f2e6c2-2 Utkarsh Gupta
python-rtslib-fb                2.1.74-0ubuntu5           2.1.75-2.1           Sergio Durigan Junior
r10k                            3.7.0-2.1ubuntu1          3.15.2-2             Lucas Kanashiro
rclone                          1.53.3-4ubuntu1           1.60.1+dfsg-2        Andreas Hasenack
request-tracker4                4.4.4+dfsg-2ubuntu1       4.4.6+dfsg-1         Lucas Kanashiro
request-tracker5                5.0.1+dfsg-1ubuntu1       5.0.3+dfsg-1.1       Lucas Kanashiro
ruby-dataobjects-mysql          0.10.17-1ubuntu3          0.10.17-3            Lucas Kanashiro
ruby-fast-gettext               2.0.3-1ubuntu2            2.0.3-2              Utkarsh Gupta
ruby-mysql2                     0.5.3-3ubuntu5            0.5.3-4              Lena Voytek
ruby-raindrops                  0.19.2-1ubuntu2           0.20.0-1             Lucas Kanashiro
ruby-stackprof                  0.2.17-1ubuntu2           0.2.21-2             Lucas Kanashiro
ruby-webmock                    3.8.3-1ubuntu1            3.8.3-2              Lucas Kanashiro
swig                            4.0.2-1ubuntu1            4.1.0-0.2            Bryce Harrington
symfony                         5.4.11+dfsg-2ubuntu1      5.4.16+dfsg-1        Athos Ribeiro
tango                           9.3.4+dfsg1-1ubuntu1      9.3.4+dfsg1-2        Andreas Hasenack
tomcat9                         9.0.65-1ubuntu1           9.0.70-1             Andreas Hasenack
tup                             0.7.11-1ubuntu2           0.7.11-2             Lucas Kanashiro
ust                             2.13.4-1ubuntu1           2.13.5-1             Andreas Hasenack
volatildap                      1.3.0-2ubuntu4            1.5.0-2              Sergio Durigan Junior
xemacs21                        21.4.24-9ubuntu2          21.4.24-10           Sergio Durigan Junior

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