Wednesday Triage Report (2022-08-31)
Sergio Durigan Junior
sergio.durigan at
Wed Aug 31 22:39:02 UTC 2022
ustriage found 24 bugs. These are the noteworthy ones:
### - +(Confirmed) [libvirt] - libvirt ACPI on
unsupported machine
Marked as Triaged, and linked to the upstream bug equivalent to this
### - +(Confirmed) [rsync] - error in rsync
protocol data stream
Found a possible upstream bug, and asked the people who can reproduce
the issue to confirm.
### - +(New) [autofs] - autofs: Missing support
of SCRAM for SASL binds
We're still waiting on the reporter to confirm here, but I did some
investigation and it seems to me like SCRAM support will need to be
implemented upstream.
### - *(Triaged) [autofs] - autofs: regression on
focal->jammy upgrade: SASL binds to …
Testing the reporter's PPA will involve setting things up, which demands
some time. I haven't touched the bug, but I subscribed myself to it and
will see if I have time to work on it later. The reporter has done most
of the work already, so if we can reproduce the issue then I can sponsor
this SRU for him.
### - (New) [bind9] - nslookup crashes when no
suffix and type=any
Yet another crash with bind9 on Jammy. Marked as Triaged and subscribed
ubuntu-server. I will definitely have to work on MRE'ing bind9 to Jammy
next cycle...
### - (New) [libp11] - When a PIN explicitly
provided use a PIN regadless of secur…
The reporter provided the SRU info requested by Bryce. After reading
the discussion from, it's not
clear whether the commit pointed by the reporter is enough to address
this specific issue. I left a comment offering to prepare a PPA so that
they can test a package with the patch applied before proceeding with
the SRU process.
### - (New) [krb5] - klist not showing tgt after
I can't reproduce the bug, so I marked it as Incomplete. It seems like
the user is using some extra configuration on /etc/krb5.conf that is
causing the discrepancy, but I'm not sure. Maybe Andreas knows more.
### - (New) [apache2] - apache stuck and child
processes fail to start
Incomplete because I couldn't reproduce it, but the upstream bug
mentioned by the reporter is valid. I left a comment and subscribed
myself to the bug.
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