Triage report - Tuesday 12th October

Christian Ehrhardt christian.ehrhardt at
Tue Oct 12 08:15:02 UTC 2021

Hello everyone,
today I had only 12 bugs to check of which the majority I have already
seen and updated myself yesterday. From the others there are only two
worth mentioning:

# Apache - issues with balancer behind a firewall
There were new updates to this case, but it is a matter of recreating
and understanding a complex setup. @Paride Legovini has looked into
that in the past, maybe you could revisit that now?

# SSSD tls issues
This is worked on by @Matthew Ruffell and @Athos Ribeiro ,
unfortunately the feedback on the test fixes provided so far say that
we didn't find the solution yet, maybe time to revisit the case again.

Christian Ehrhardt
Staff Engineer, Ubuntu Server
Canonical Ltd

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