Tuesday bug triage report

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at canonical.com
Wed Oct 6 20:21:49 UTC 2021

On Wed, Oct 06, 2021 at 09:01:59AM +0200, Christian Ehrhardt wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 11:35 PM Lucas Kanashiro
> <lucas.kanashiro at canonical.com> wrote:
> >
> > Bugs last updated on 2021-10-04 (Monday)
> > Date range identified as: "Tuesday triage"
> > Found 21 bugs
> >
> > https://pad.lv/1945868 - (New)            [qemu-kvm]       - focal kvm virtio_net set_features failed (-22)
> > -> Subscribed Christian to take a look at this bug.
> Thanks - triaging that one was fun and while it needs more info now it
> might - along the way - made me spot a regression-proposed bug in the
> kernel :-)
> > https://pad.lv/1946041 - (New)            [keepalived]     - keepalived virtual MAC doesn't work
> > -> Asked for more context and set the status to incomplete until more info is provided.
> >
> > All the following bugs are related to a FTBFS against OpenSSL 3.0, I subscribed ubuntu-server in all of them:
> >
> > https://pad.lv/1945956 - (New)            [mysql-8.0]      - mysql-8.0: Fail to build against OpenSSL 3.0
> > https://pad.lv/1945960 - (New)            [net-snmp]       - net-snmp: Fail to build against OpenSSL 3.0
> > https://pad.lv/1945980 - (Confirmed)      [openvpn]        - openvpn: Fail to build against OpenSSL 3.0
> > https://pad.lv/1945998 - (New)            [pam-p11]        - pam-p11: Fail to build against OpenSSL 3.0
> > https://pad.lv/1946013 - (New)            [postgresql-13]  - postgresql-13: Fail to build against OpenSSL 3.0
> That is the obvious follow on to the mass rebuild we have seen a while back.
> And now we also have the confirmation as stated in the bugs "planning
> to transition to OpenSSL 3.0 for the 22.04 release".
> FYI: the JJ schedule now lists openssl3 and it is rather early in the cycle
> @Bryce when creating the merge/tasks for the 22.04 cycle it would be
> great to get those linked into the items of the respective update bugs
> - can that easily be done?

This cycle we'll have to do this manually, and I can take the todo for

One feature we've already identified as needed as some way to
review/retarget bug reports with milestone='later'.  So as a process we
could also mark bugs such as these to that milestone, which would ensure
they get included  in that retargeting process.

I've also thought it would be useful to also have a per-package merge
notes functionality, to track advice/tips/todo's for future merges,
especially for information not suited to inclusion in bug reports.


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